Third Wave Witch: Feminist Spirituality, Spiritual Feminism
Third Wave Witchcraft explores the intersection of feminism, Witchcraft, Goddess Spirituality, and feminist activism. A place to explore how to make our spirituality more feminist, our feminism more spiritual, and our world more just.
Full Moon Oracle Reading
The Gemini Moon is here to ask us to find a way to meld wisdom and understanding. The Sun is in philosophical, wisdom seeking Sagittarius, while the Moon is in curious, communicative Gemini.
What wisdom are you seeking? What understanding do you need to gain from it? And how can you take this new wisdom and understanding out to the world? What are you being called to share?
Take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Be present with yourself and these questions.
When you are ready, open your eyes and notice which of the cards below you are drawn to. Ask the cards what wisdom you are seeking, what understanding you need, and what wisdom and understanding you have to communicate to the world.
(From left to right, the stones are lepidolite, snowflake obsidian, and moonstone. The deck is the Sacred World Oracle by Kris Waldherr)
Then scroll down to see what message the cards hold for you!
CARD 1: Falcon
Falcon is here to tell you take charge, to honor your sovereignty, and to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Long a symbol of royalty, the Falcon invites you to ask yourself what Fires you up. What sets your heart aflame? What would you do if you could be ruler of your own life? Falcon also challenges you to ask yourself where you may have been relying upon others, or upon worn out and outdated ideas and stories about yourself. What can you let go of so that you can take flight into the next chapter of your life?
CARD 2: Fire
Fire comes to invite you to burn brightly with passion, but to tend yourself carefully so you don't burn out. Fire is an element of both creation and destruction, and must be handled with the utmost respect. What fuels your Fire? What passions burn most deeply in your soul, your heart, your belly? What are you longing to create? Fire asks you to investigate the areas of your life that can use energetic change. Where are you stagnating? Where are you consuming yourself for the sake of others so there is little left for yourself? Remember, you don't have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm! How can you both burn with passion and care for yourself so that you can bring light to the world without reducing yourself to ash?
Whale is here to invite you to dive deep. You may be engaging with forces deeper and bigger than yourself -- what lessons can you learn? Whale reminds us that, much as the Whale herself has managed to survive extinction, we can navigate even the most dangerous waters. She also invites you to dive into the deepest parts of yourself -- into your Shadow self, into your dreams, into your subconscious. What wisdom can you recover from past lives, from your past in this life, from the parts of yourself you keep hidden?
This post is mirrored at my Wordpress blog, Priestessing the Dream
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