SageWoman Blogs
This blog seeks to explore the divine feminine by examining the history of women. The analysis of archaeology and history found here is meant to raise questions, not necessarily find answers. In addition, by looking at our female ancestors, we can seek to make connections in our current lives and define ourselves as women in fresh ways.
Update and Seeking Tattoo Interviews
I apologize for my absence this month. My husband was in a bad car crash just before New Year's. Our car was totaled. He's doing well now, but January was a hectic month!
I'm about to start a new series in February about ancient and contemporary tattooing as related to goddess spirituality.
I would love to include some interviews with women who have spiritually themed tattoos. If you are interested, please contact me on my personal blog by leaving a comment here with your e-mail. I will not publish your e-mail.
Thanks. Happy lunar new year!
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Emily, I'm just glad that your husband is well. Be careful out there!