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A Merry Post for a Merry Day!
Happy tiding and many blessings!
Our Samhain/Halloween post went over great last October so we though we'd try a repeat performance by gathering all of our posts for Yule and the Winter Solstice from over the last month or so. As before, we've also included some extra bits from around the web that we thought you might find interesting.
We hope you have a very merry Yule and a happy New Year's! Cheers!
-Aryós Héngwis
Yule Posts:
- Beth Wodandis. "And So It Is Yuletide"
- Karen Tate. "Avatar, Yuletide Goddesses & Pagan Roots of Christmas & Resolutions"
- Nicole Kapise-Perkins. "Childhood Magic"
- Francesca de Grandis. "Chocolate Lumps"
- Steven Posch. "Summer in Winter, Day in the Night"
- Christiana Gaudet. "Tarot Magick for the World"
- Lady Eva Michenet. "A Very Merry Yule"
- Steven Posch. "Wassailing the Trees"
- Steven Posch. "The Witch's Toast"
- Beth Lynch. "Yule Advent Calendar (and a Belated Michaelmas Outing"
- Nornoriel Lokason. "Yule in Vanaheim"
- Arwen Lynch. "Yule Joy of Giving"
Winter Solstice Posts:
- Laura Perry. "As Solstice Dawns in Knossos"
- Jason Mankey. "Celebrating the Sabbats"
- Natalie Zaman. "Craft a Sunny Solstice Greeting!"
- Gus diZerega. "The Eve of Midwinter"
- Molly. "Family Winter Solstice Ritual"
- Diotima. "Fire Up the Cauldron: Working Magic at Solstice"
- Deborah Blake. "Greeting the Light, Embracing the Dark"
- Steven Posch. "Last Sun Walking"
- Sable Aradia. "The Longest Night"
- Melia Brokaw. "May Your Solstice Be Merry and Bright"
- Danielle Blackwood. "New Moon in Capricorn: Radical Reality"
- Steven Posch. "Old Holidays Die Hard"
- Danu Forest. "Solstice at the Stones and Sacred Wells"
- Carol P. Christ. "Solstice Comes But Once a Year, Now It's Here!"
- Joanna van der Hoeven. "That Mistletoe Druid Thing"
- Gus diZerega. "Thoughts About Solstice"
- Holly Emore. "Winter Solstice Dreams"
- Molly. "Winter Solstice Meditation"
- Gwion Raven. "Winter Solstice - A Ritual Invocation or the Coolest Band Name Ever!"
- We'Moon. "Winter Solstice"
Birth and Rebirth Posts:
- Steven Posch. "Birth Tree"
- Steven Posch. "Midwest Nativity"
- Stacey L. L. Couch. "Renewal and Rebirth"
- Steven Posch. "Waiting"
- Steven Posch. "Yule-Halm"
Carols Posts:
- Steven Posch. "Dancing the Carol"
- Steven Posch. "Gentles in this Hall"
- Steven Posch. "Pagan Lullaby"
Deities of Winter Posts:
Winter Posts:
- Molly. "Buzzard Woman"
- Byron Ballard. "Caught Between the Dead and the Dying Year"
- Selina Rifkin. "The Cold Season"
- Eileen Troemel. "Curse the Winter Whining"
- Lady May. "December: A Walk through a Year in the English Countryside"
- Eileen Troemel. "Honoring the Ancestors"
- Eileen Troemel. "A Non-Yule Time of Year"
- Holly Bellebuono. "Remembering the Goddess, Even in the Dark Seasons"
- Tiffany Lazic. "Resting in the Dark"
- Amanda Morris. "Self-Care Tips from the Space Witch"
- Colleen Duvall. "Walk the Winter Solstice"
- Joanna van der Hoven. "Winter's Beauty - In the Cold and Wet"
- Joanna van der Hoeven. "Winter Solstice - No Birth, No Death"
Cool Stuff We Found:
- 11 Insane Things You Didn't Know About Santa Claus
- At Christmas, This Town Builds a Giant Yule Goat and Then Torches It
- The Avengers Assemble to Sing a Christmas Carol Medley
- Christmas: The TAY Review
- Christopher Lee Keeps His Christmas Metal Streak Intact with a New Song
- Conquest, Murder, Pillage...Yup, That's Christmas
- An Explanation of Yule
- The Fearsome Yule Cat
- The Equally Fearsome Yule Goat
- Florida Agrees That Satanists Must Have Equal Representation In Capitol
- Morana, the Slavic Goddess of Night and Winter
- The Pokémon Players Who Want To Save Christmas
- Ready Your House Stark Jokes, GoT Christmas Decorations Are Here
- Santa Is Getting His Own Gritty Origin Movie Where He's a Viking
- Skaði, the Winter Huntress of Heathenism
- Yuki-Onna, Deadly Spirits of the Snow
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