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Pagan News Beagle: Faithful Friday, November 18
A look at how the Christian right in the United States has aligned itself with Republican politics. Ten questions commonly asked of atheists. And a disheartening look at how hatred is impacting the lives of young Muslims in America. It's Faithful Friday, our weekly segment on news about faiths and religious communities from around the world. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle.
It may seem strange now but not so long ago, what we would term the "Christian right" was largely ambivalent about politics. Today, however, that's changed and the Christian right is a deeply embedded part of the Republican Party. How did that happen? Religion & Politics takes a look.
Are all sins created equal? Or are some sins greater than others. Writing for, Jim Burklo firmly argues for the latter.
Atheists and Pagans may not share many beliefs in common but it's pretty obvious as religious minorities we share some similar experiences. Neil Carter discusses some of the common questions asked of atheists, which may sound familiar to Pagan ears.
Donald Trump has fed upon the animosity and fear of Muslim refugees from war-torn Syria. Now that he's going to be our next President, that makes it all the more important for us open to protecting fugitives of violence to act on our beliefs. Buddhist magazine Lion's Roar advocates for active compassion towards Syrian refugees.
And if you needed another example of why this is important? Consider this heart-rending story about a Muslim student who was told by his teacher that he was a "terrorist" and that she'd be happy when Donald Trump deported everyone like him.
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