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Anointing the Temple of Love: A Bed Blessing

Anoint your bed with this special charm:

Red cup or gothic goblet

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Anointing the Temple of Love: A Bed Blessing
Anoint your bed with this special charm:
  • Red cup or gothic goblet
  • Jasmine and rose essential oils
In your goblet, mix a half-teaspoon of jasmine oil and a half-teaspoon of rose oil. Hold it with both hands and speak these words:
In this bed, I show my love.
In this bed, I share my body.
In this bed, I give my heart.
In this bed, we are as one.
Here lies my happiness as I give and live in total joy.
Blessed be to me and thee.


As you say, “Blessed be,” flick drops of your bed blessing oil from your fingers all across the bed until the cup is empty. Now, lie down and roll around in the bed. After all, that is what it is for!

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