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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Hanging Joan Prentice

They took down the gallows in the park today.

In some ways, that's too bad.

Sculptor Sam Durant's 2012 wood and steel installation Scaffold had been acquired by the Walker Museum for its newly-renovated Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Intended as a commentary on racial inequities in capital punishment throughout American history, it sparked protests among traditional Dakota, who found it offensive.

So they took it down.

The entire mishandled situation has been, frankly, a tragedy of errors from beginning to end, starting with the fact that the sculpture garden has long been known locally for—how shall I put this charitably—its “content-free” nature. What the Walker was thinking by plunking down something with actual serious content into the midst of its half-acre of vacuity, like some farmhouse crashing down out of the clear blue into Muchkinland, I honestly don't know.

But controversy aside, I've been thinking about the piece itself.

You could say that it's put me in touch.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Censorship at Aeclectic Tarot

Tarot--the highly-symbolic set of cards that serves divination, meditation, pathworking, inspiration, creativity and illumination--is a "fringe" practice that, to some extent, is becoming more mainstream...just like Paganism in all it's diverse, vibrant expressions.

And because both expressions are "fringe" (meaning we tend to be objects of ridicule, exclusion and/or marginalization), we need to support one another.

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Recent Comments - Show all comments
  • Vanessa Green
    Vanessa Green says #
    When I think of censorship I think of an authority coming in and shutting down the presses or making editorial changes to films ba
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    I see your point, Vanessa. Listing decks in a database, however, has nothing to do with guidelines or codes of conduct...
  • Lisa Allen
    Lisa Allen says #
    Hi Janet! You are wonderful - as a tarot deck creator, author and tarot reader! :-) So I don't mind giving my two cents. As far
  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer says #
    Thank you for your kind words, Lisa! That was one of my points: you can't claim to be THE authority of Tarot deck listings if you
  • Aryós Héngwis
    Aryós Héngwis says #
    The comments in this thread have been removed as they were quickly moving (on both sides unfortunately) from reasoned debate into

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