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Something has happened on this site that delighted and empowered me. 

I've repeatedly come across blogs here stating ideas that make me post a comment along the lines of  "Me too, me too! I've been teaching my students that for years!" This is lovely for me.

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Blurring The Lines Of Community: Jury Duty

This is part of a continuing series exploring ways that Solitary Pagans can connect not only with the Greater Pagan Community, but how we can connect with our local communities and bring our unique perspectives and beliefs into the fabric of those communities.

Few words elicit dread the way that “jury duty” does for a lot of people.  Personally, I find this drive to “get out of” jury duty to be disturbing as I have always wanted to serve on a jury but have never had the chance.  I personally think this anti-jury duty perspective is based on the quite unrealistic way that juries are portrayed on television and in movies.  I think most of the rest of it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the importance of jury duty and how it works.

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Pagan Trends, Absolute Truths, and Trusting Yourself

Trends change rapidly in the Pagan community. We often see "an indisputable fact" ricochet to its exact opposite within years. These "truths" cause immense discord. How can we navigate these treacherous waters without disavowing our own personal wisdoms? We all find our way of doing it. If I share mine, perhaps that might make finding yours easier. 

So, a story:

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

A long overdue update. Spring is upon us (as the rain beats down on my window here!), and I feel like leaving this Winter is almost akin to clambering from a very deep, dark hole...

For the past two months, I've been pretty much confined to home. I've been very ill, both mentally and physically, and while I have a fabulous doctor looking after me, it's been ridiculously hard. Not least because I'm a bad patient. If I'm not able to do something with my days, I get frustrated, which leads down the path to... well, bad thoughts. Spiralling down is an apt metaphor, but not fun to live.

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a bold Moon in the season of Imbolc

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Pagans in the Hood

Gods. There really are pagans everywhere.

Back around Yule I happened to be walking past a house on the next block when it was dark enough for the lights to be on, but early enough that the blinds were still open. I noticed the great big Sun face hanging over the fireplace. 

There was another Sun in the front window, and a metal cut-out Sun standing in a snow-drift in the front yard.

Hmm, I thought.

I've lived in the South Minneapolis pagan neighborhood for more than 30 years. You can hardly swing a dead cat around here without hitting a pagan.

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Will Pagans Reclaim The World?

There is a rising movement with Pagan communities, to regain the respect and adoration Witches and Pagans once knew. Are you a part of it?

All over the world Witches and Pagans are working to reclaim the respect of Witch, Pagan, and Wiccan. From the coast of California to small towns in Pennsylvania, and even as far away as Pakistan; Witches are rising up to reclaim the value of our faiths and sacred titles. 

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  • Lizann Bassham
    Lizann Bassham says #
    Thank you for your insights. I am also a very public witch, out of the broom closet even in the Christian denomination in which I

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