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Daughter of Venus: Friday Night Rite

Venus rules this most popular day of the week. Small wonder that this is the ideal night for a tryst. To prepare yourself for a night of lovemaking, you should take a goddess bath with the following potion in a special cup or bowl. I call mine the Venus Vial. Perform this rite on a Friday night.

  • 1 cup sesame oil
  • 6 drops orange blossom oil
  • 4 drops gardenia oil
  • Bowl
Combine ingredients in the bowl and stir with your finger six times, silently repeating three times:
I am a daughter of Venus, I embody love.
My body is a temple of pleasure, and I am all that is beautiful.
Tonight, I will drink fully from the cup of love.

Pour the Venusian mixture into a steaming bath and meditate on your evening plans. As you rise from your bath, repeat the Venus prayer once more.

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Celebrate Yourself: Breast Blessing
Celebrate the beauty of your body. Your breasts (and probably all the rest of you) will receive much attention during your lovemaking, so loving attention from you beforehand will consecrate the temple of your body. Get the following supplies:
  • 1 cup natural beeswax
  • 1⁄4 cup sesame oil
  • Sandalwood essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Rose essential oil
Take the cup of beeswax, chip it into a double boiler, and heat very slowly and gently. Add the sesame oil and stir with a wooden spoon until the wax has melted and blended with the oil.

Let it cool to skin temperature and add:
  • 8 drops sandalwood oil
  • 5 drops lemon oil
  • 2 drops rose oil
Anoint yourself with the oil by dabbing a bit onto your fingertip and then placing it on each nipple, circling clockwise outward until the entire breast is blessed. This should be done slowly, gently, and lovingly as you cup each breast and say aloud:
We all come from the Goddess.
I am she and she is me.
My breasts are holy and wholly beautiful.
I love myself, I love my body, and I love my breasts. I am consecrated.
Lover, come to me now.
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Wild Women

For your celebratory mask-making ceremonies, you can and should design your own wild woman images. You can also choose from a list of classical goddess images, such as:

  • Peacock Woman is Juno, whose totem is the royally plumed bird

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Full Moon Goddess Invocation
At the next full moon, make a vow, alone or with your partner, to bring forth all erotic powers. Begin with a blissful bath in oil-scented water; this essential oil must be the one that makes you feel sexiest. For me, it is an equal mix of vanilla and amber, which I call “Vamber;” it has never failed me. When I wear this unguent, I feel as if a cloud of sensuality surrounds me.
Sit in a darkened room, encircled by flickering jasmine, musk, or “vamber” candles. Raise a cup of jasmine tea or a glass of wine from a vintage that represents a lucky year for you, and speak this spell aloud:
Now I awaken the goddess in me.
I surrender to love’s power.
Tonight, I will heat the night with my fire.
As I drink this cup, my juices flower.
I am alive! I am love! And so it is.

You will radiate passion and be intensely drawn to your lover.
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Calling Down the Sisterhood: Invoking Goddesses in Your Spellwork

Below is a group of goddesses you can invoke and honor in your ritual work. I strongly advise placing images of a goddess on your altar when you need her aid, her strength, or her special qualities.

Aradia: Lunar Protectress

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Lunar Goddesses of the World

Alkmene is the mortal mother of legendary Greek hero Hercules. Her name means “might of the moon.”

Candrea is the Indonesian deity from a love story about princess Candra Kirana of Kediri. Candra was the incarnation of Dewi Ratih, goddess of love, and her name means “glowing like the moon.”

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Domestic Goddesses

A form of magic handed down from antiquity is to have a domestic goddess figure in your home; archaeologists have found them amongst the most ancient artifacts. It is a wonderful energy generator to have such a figurine decorating your home altar. The most important consideration is to choose the divinity with whom you feel the deepest connection.

Which of these beneficent beings do you identify with?

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