According to Lady Svetlana of Feraferia, the signature foods of Samhain are the “gnomic” ones: i.e. roots and tubers.
Simultaneously bright and dark, this hearty, satisfying melange of above- and below-ground crops welcomes the season when, in the words of her longtime partner, visionary Fred Adams, “as seeds and litter settle to earth, dreams and All Souls rise from the dense, rooted underground to soft[en] and fuse them.”
Also known as wheat gluten, mun cha'i ya, and seitan, mock duck is a traditional meat substitute in the cuisines of East Asia. Sliced into “coins”, the carrots (gold) and parsnips (silver) betoken—or, by the power of sympathetic magic, induce—a year of prosperity to come.
Boss Warlock's Mock Duck with Roasted Root Vegetables in an Orange Glaze