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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Free of Myself

A man and a woman stand on a misty cliff, the man full of barely suppressed frustration and the woman stoic and self-contained. The man urges her to free herself from a difficult situation. He is met with this reply: 


“If freedom is all you ever live for, you will never be free of yourself.” 

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

File:Flag of a United States Foreign Service Officer.svg - Wikimedia Commons


A Thought Experiment


Were there witches of our kind—people of the old ways—in the Thirteen Colonies?

Objectively speaking, probably not. (Still: a circle of thirteen stars, you say.)

But say there were. For the sake of story, let us just say that there were.

What would they have been like, those witches of the Revolution?


Fleeing the witch-hunts, we came. Seeking the freedom She promised our people, we came.

Forests like we had never seen before: vast, unending. And in them...Him, Him of Hoof and Horn. Him Whom we know too well to fear, already here. (Is He not everywhere?) Here and waiting. Waiting for His people.

“You shall be free,” He told us.

Here in the woods of the “New” World, we were.


What were we like, then, our people? How did we live? Did we know of others of our kind? Did out-folk talk of witchcraft also reassure—"There are others of us!"—as well as put on us the old fear?

How did we fare with those who were here before us? Were we, being ourselves an old folk, thereby the better able to know, to listen, to learn?

Did we not learn the New Land? Did we not learn the plants and animals, the ways and names?

Did we not learn the new ways, along with the old?


When Revolution came, where did we stand? What role, then, did we play?

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Movement Dreams: Flying

Flying is one of the most common dreams, not to mention one of the most fun! If you’re soaring through the air in your dream, gazing out over the earth beneath you, you are probably feeling on top of the world in your waking life. Flight represents freedom and release, so this dream might be a sign that you are experiencing some of those feelings in your life, or it could be encouragement to let loose. Dreams of flying suggest that you have confidence in your ability to rise above challenges that come your way. You can do anything or be anything your heart desires, there are no limits to what you can do.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs


The Rise and Fall of the Goddess of Democracy - The New York Times


June 4, 2021

30 Years Since the Tiananmen Square Massacre


May the Goddess of Liberty

once again raise Her torch

in Tiananmen Square,

for Her children in China,

and through all the world.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs


As a little gay witch kid growing up in a time and place when it wasn't safe to be either, I learned early on: Let them think what they want to. In my own heart, I can be free.

Not having to follow someone else's rules is freedom from one kind of slavery.

(I might add that I've spent the rest of my life working to make it so that no one else ever has to live like that again. We're certainly not there yet—maybe we never will be—but we're well on the way.)

A friend of mine prides herself on never following recipes. To her mind, this makes her free. Maybe so. To my mind, though, this makes her just as much as a slave as someone who slavishly has to follow every last detail of every last recipe. It isn't following the rules or not following the rules that frees; it's the choice to follow, or not to follow, in any given case. The choosing frees, and in this sense we free ourselves every day, with every action that we take.

Not having to follow your own rules is freedom from another kind of slavery.

Ye shall be free from slavery, the Lady of Witches promises her people. It's quite a promise. But hear how she goes on: ...and as a sign that ye be truly free, ye shall be naked in your rites.

There's physical bondage and there's mental bondage, and it's clearly the latter that she's talking about here. That's her promise to her people: that social norms that constrain others will simply not be binding on us.

Here's the kicker: what she does not mean here is that all of our rituals have to be skyclad rituals. That in itself would be a form of enslavement, enslavement to the Goddess herself. What she wants for us—what she expects of us—is that we not be slaves, not even to her. The essence of freedom is in the choosing.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
The True and the Free

To the pagan eye, the main difference between our religions and the Abraham ones isn't the difference between One or Many.

It's the difference between Slave and Free.

With the spread of the Slave Religions across the world, loss of spiritual freedom has invariably gone hand in hand with loss of political freedom: spiritual imperialism with political imperialism. Pagan peoples everywhere have fought to preserve our political, cultural, and intellectual freedom. Sometimes we've won, most often we've lost, but in our hearts, even when shackled, we have never submitted, and we never will.

Unlike some, the pagan gods don't want slaves, and they don't want eternal children. They expect us to grow up, to stand on our own two feet, and to do for ourselves. If you raise your children to be dependent on you, you've failed as a parent.

We, the Pagans, have been here since the beginning; we've never gone away, and we never will. We dare to dream of a day when the Slavers and their ways will vanish from the Earth, when once again we will all live as our gods want us to live: as Free peoples, everywhere.

We are the Pagans, but “pagan” is a name from without. What do we call ourselves from within?

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
We the Free

They call us pagans, but we know who we are.

We are the Free Peoples of the Earth.

We are the free peoples, our gods the gods of the free.

Free is our goddess. Being her people, we bear her name.

Let the shackled call us what they will. In the end, they are slaves.

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  • Steven Posch
    Steven Posch says #
    Here in the Midwest, for the most part, public skyclad disappeared during the Reagan Era and has yet to reappear. But as long as t
  • Greybeard
    Greybeard says #
    "As a sign that ye are truly free, Ye shall be naked in your rites." Very few pagans are truly free any more. Almost all slavi

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