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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

So you’ve got a crush on an acquaintance, and you’d like to try and stir up some passionate-lusty feelings between the two of you. Or you’re facing a real crisis and need to shake some sense into your nice-but-oblivious boss so they’ll grant the favor you’ve asked of them in time to meet your deadline.

There are plenty of situations where you may want to sweeten a person to you in a certain context, and where the circumstances can also stand for some well-intentioned agitation to get things moving and break through some inertia that is hampering your progress.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

You’ve found yourself in need of a boost to your financial prosperity, and don’t have the time, means, &/or inclination to go out and buy a bunch of fancy-schmancy exotic herbs, oil, candles and everything else?

Some down-home conjure can help you on your way!

Magic doesn’t have to be complicated or heavily ritualistic. It can be right at hand, and performed with some whispered prayer. A walk through your kitchen and perhaps a quick trip to the grocery store will yield all the supplies needed for a beautiful and effective ritual working to manifest to extra money!

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  • Yvonne Catherine Jackson
    Yvonne Catherine Jackson says #
    very information will be using it soon

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