Change is inevitable. How we deal with it, however is another matter. This week's article of Faithful Friday takes a look at how the tapestry of religion is changing around the world, from the pluralization of religion in America to the rise of Hindu nationalism in India. Will tomorrow's religious landscape look the same as today's? If that's a question you think is worth asking, read on.
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
The world is a wonderful and diverse place. Today, in the Pagan News Beagle, we take a look at that diversity. How are Siberian shamans making a comeback? What does theology have to do with #BlackLivesMatter? And how do yesteryear's witches relate to modern women's health? These questions and more are discussed in today's articles from around the web.
So: a hate group in Texas mounts an art show featuring cartoons of the Muslim prophet.
At the urging of a local imam, the local Muslim community decides to respond with silence. No one pickets, blogs, editorializes, or writes about it in the press. No one does anything whatsoever to give the show any publicity.
An expatriate American who has gone to Syria to fight for the So-Called So-Called spreads word of the show on the web, urging retaliation.
Two Muslim converts from another state drive to Texas, wound a security guard, and are themselves killed. “Allah, accept your mujahideen,” one tweets.
The So-Called So-Called claims responsibility.
As one who strives to live in accordance with the thews (virtues) of the ancestors, I ask myself:
[This comment has been removed by Aryós Héngwis]
Your comments are trending remarkably close to Islamophobia. While the actions of the Islamic State / ISIL are deplorable, there's
The FBI defines a hate group as one whose "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belongin
You should dig a little deeper and know of the fundraising at that same location not long before by muslims. The Art show, which i
Hate speech is a form of violence though a lesser form than violent assault and murder. I think it's fair to describe both groups
It's that time of the week again, when we look around the world to see how religion is affecting and being affected by peoples' lives all over the globe. This week in Faithful Friday we take a look at the intersection of religion and activism—for both good and ill—from the revival of traditional Norse religion in Iceland to the oppression of ethnic minorities for their religious beliefs.
Today is Faithful Friday here at the Pagan News Beagle, the day we share interesting stories about religious communities around the world. Our stories today include the launch of the new Polytheist community website; a call for papers on Pagan and Goddess studies; animal sacrifice outlawed (in part of India); Chinese Buddhist brand building; American Muslims meet (and integrate better than Muslims in Europe.)
The new website launched recently and hopes to offer a variety of columnists (the site eschews the term "blog") from across this diverse movement.
...Selene, the Moon Goddess, on a Roman sarcophagus. About 210 CE. Getty Villa. Photo by Harita Meenee.
To a Greek person, the word “August” brings two things to mind. One is the August moon. Captivating and erotic, we observe it with awe as it spreads its glow on the dark sea waters. It keeps on striking a chord. Strange? Not at all since the moon is a powerful archetypal symbol. Myths, which speak the language of the soul, adore it. Almost all peoples and cultures have created traditions and beliefs related to it.