Hear me in October on online radio and at an outdoor in-person event, a booksigning for my new book Asatru: A Beginner's Guide to the Heathen Path. I'm not making a full book tour this year because of the pandemic, but I am venturing one state over to Phoenix, Arizona to hold an outdoor booksigning and storytelling at Fantasia Crystals on October 24 from 5pm-6:30pm. In case of rain the reading room will be available as a backup venue. Books will be available for purchase on the day, and also in advance at the shop.
I'm planning to tell the story of Freya's jewel, Brisingamen. There's a chapter in my unpublished novel Some Say Fire that recounts a version of that myth. The chapter contains a lot of gnosis, and my storytelling will be based on that chapter.
Every first and third Wednesday, and occasional fifth Wednesdays, my cohost Michael Greywolf and I host All Acts of Love and Pleasure on Pagans Tonight Radio Network. We talk about it all on the show -- love, sex, sexuality, gender, relationships, and whatever else we come up with, all from a Pagan perspective! We go live at 7pm CDT.
Not satisfied with the response to a complaint that I had made at the beginning of April regarding two sexist comments that Ken Bruce had made at the beginning of his BBC Radio 2 show on 2 April, I have written back to the BBC and am sharing this story with you. What we say DOES matter, and we need to speak out against what we think is wrong. As a Druid, I take speech quite seriously (when I'm not being The Fool, but there is method in my madness there as well - indeed, a good friend of mine this weekend said that I am one of the most intelligent people she knows, and also the silliest - but I digress...)
What happened was that I wrote in to BBC Radio 2 because Ken Bruce had called Lynne Bowles a "whale" (in jest) and in the next breath said something about her putting on a French maid's uniform. Many people would say that taking this out of context is making it appear worse than it actually is. What I am saying is that the context of sexism doesn't matter - it's still sexism. Ways to undermine women's power in our society is becoming more and insidious where it cannot be achieved through brute force. Here is the correspondence that I have received back from my complaint, and my further response.
It's finals time, folks, as well as being one of the most intense Yule seasons that I can recall in a very long time. I"ve been swimming in work both academic and spiritual and so I must apologize for not posting as much here. That will change, I am sure, with the turning of the year.
In the meantime, so y'all can see I'm not quite as much of a slacker as it may seem ^_^ I'm posting a recent interview that I did with Magical Musings podcast. We covered some topics that I think are tremendously important to the polytheistic community as a whole and Heathenry in particular and while the interview was close to two hours (not sure what the edited version here ended up being--I wasn't involved in whittling it into shape for airing) I had a hell of a good time.
The recent debate about fiction vs. reality, superheroes vs. heroes, and the role of fantasy and fiction in contemporary Paganism has been far more intense and ongoing than I ever expected it to get. It has, however, brought up many good points, theories, and questions too. I was talking with Sannion quite recently on this and as a result, we decided to make this the topic of discussion for the next Wyrd Ways Radio show, airing at 10pm this Wednesday (May 29).
Sannion, who writes both here at Blurring Boundaries and at http://www.thehouseofvines.com, Wyrd Dottir, a Heathen working in the entertainment industry, as well as myself and my co-host Laura Patsouris will be discussing these issues with callers. We're going to open up the lines early and encourage folks to call in, regardless of your position on these issues. I'm looking forward to a very interesting and lively debate.
I'm currently working on a new article (after way too long a hiatus, I know) and if all goes well, I'll have that for you next week. There are a number of issues and topics that have caught my attention, I have a few projects in the works,plus I still owe the final article in my 'honoring city spirits' series.That's all in progress and i'm hoping to post weeklynow that my school term is nearly finished,but in the meantime, i wanted to make a brief announcement.
Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...