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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs


      "Olé, Olé" my grandmother Antonia whispered at the TV as we watched a flamenco movie.  Summer in Puerto Rico was extremely hot.  I was eight years old and did not understand how Abuela could iron clothes and watch TV amidst the infernal heat.   I was scared that she would burn herself.

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  • Lillian Comas
    Lillian Comas says #
    Dear Anne: Sorry for the late response. Of course, please feel free to share the story in the magazine! Many thanks for your si
  • Anne Newkirk Niven
    Anne Newkirk Niven says #
    What an amazing story, Lillian! I love how you paint your story so beautifully, and with such a good message. (Would it be ok if I
Pagan News Beagle: Airy Monday, October 24

The release of Marvel's new supernatural superhero film draws near. A look at how the horror genre is evolving alongside technology. And a chronicle of the way in which Halloween, a foreign holiday, captured Japan's heart. It's Airy Monday, our weekly segment on magic and religion in popular culture! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, May 26

Politics and religion: difficult subjects which many consider unsuited for polite conversation. What happens when they mix? In many ways its inevitable; people care passionately about politics and they also care passionately about religion. That doesn't mean it's always easy though. This week we take a look at the different ways in which political and religious values are clashing over the world and how, in many cases, that bleeds over into discrimination and bigotry. All this and more for this week's Fiery Tuesday.

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