Title: The Long Chain (The Arcane Casebook Volume III)
...PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Title: The Long Chain (The Arcane Casebook Volume III)
...Images and memes traditionally associated with Imbolc are showing up on social media now, as they do every year. I enjoy seeing the hearty crocus push through the snow, the candle illuminating a frozen landscape, and the dormant seed waiting underground to burst forth into life. All of these symbols and motifs encourage the weary heart that the cold, dark days are ending.
It’s not exactly how I experience Imbolc, though.
Title: In Plain Sight (Arcane Casebook 1)
...Frequently Asked Question: What's your opinion of Stephen Flowers / Edred Thorsson and his rune magic books?
My answer:
...Just like the Witch kids used to chant.
Fee, Ox, Thurse, Ose
Ride, Keen, Gift, Win
Hail, Need, Ice, Year
Yew, Pear, Elk, Sol
Tew, Birch, Horse, Man
Lake, Ing, Ethel, Day
Lo, I have kennëd my futhork:
is this not a worthy work?