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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Hallucinogenic Mushroom Endanger ...


Leaf through a catalogue or stroll down an aisle in your local retail giant, and you'll have no trouble whatsoever identifying the 2025 holiday season's Theme-of-the-Year.

It's the Year of the Magic Mushroom.

Redcaps. Fly Agarics. Amanita Muscaria.

Ornaments. Plush toys. Hats.

(Plush toys? Seriously?)



Um, folks: they're hallucinogenic.

Um, folks: they're potentially toxic.


Yes, they're eye-catching.

Yes, they're colorful.

Yes, they're considered a symbol of good luck throughout the German-speaking world. (Make of that what you will.)

Yes, reindeer eat them.

Yes, shamans eat them.

Yes, their hallucinogenic alkaloids concentrate in the urine of the user.

Ho, ho, ho.


Agarics: drug-of-choice of Old World shamans. They grow here in the New World, too.

Though I've heard rumors of redcap use in the medicine lodges of the Anishinabe, the fact is that the Americas are home to lots and lots of kinder, gentler hallucinogens, thank you very much.

No need for urine-drinking, either.


(I once heard an interviewee deny that he was a shaman on the grounds that he'd never taken amanita muscaria. No more have I, but then, I don't claim to be a shaman either, unless “warlock” is how you say “shaman” in Witch.)


The natural world, and informed, hands-on knowledge thereof, continues to recede ever farther in our cultural rear-view mirror.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Three Fish

Have you been having weird dreams since this all began, dreams that seem somehow more mythic, more weighted, more charged with meaning, than usual? Me too.

Here's today's.


Every year my grandfather would drive up north to a particular lake in Canada.

When he got there, he would lay down on the shore of the lake, and his soul would leave his body through his mouth. For three days and nights it would fly, while his body lay unmoving on the lakeshore.

Where it flew off to he would never say, but this much I can say: when he awoke, there would always be three fish lined up on the ground beside him.

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What to Do after a Major Otherworldly Vision

Full title: What to Do after a Major Otherworldly Vision or Powerful Calling from the Gods: Priesthood Means Service


A major, otherworldly, life-changing vision—or a forceful calling from the Gods—that lacks the follow-through of acts of service corrupts one’s spirit eventually.


The calling or vision ends up feeding the false ego. ... Wow, voice-recognition software turned “feeding the ego” into “cheating the eagle.” Oh, my Gods! (I added the word “false” later, when correcting the errors voice recognition created.)

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Recent Comments - Show all comments
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha, Ted, that’s hysterical! Thank you for your loving support. That someone as service oriented as you could
  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor says #
    Dear Goddess, Francesca, this is a wise-womanly piece of teaching, and very obviously NOT just empty words! Your experiences refl
  • Jane Gilgun
    Jane Gilgun says #
    I'm looking forward to autumn and to winter because winter especially in Minnesota can be beautiful and because of the cold it inv
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Hi, Jane, thank you for your comments. They are beautiful, well spoken, loving, and deep. I agree with all of them. As I said in
Music's Magic and Power

 I'm having my own private Stevie Wonder festival. 

When I'm giving clients shamanic treatments (click here for info about them), I might listen to his music. It is so happy that it makes my spirit soar, which feeds my magic. 


Or, when I'm doing physical therapy exercises, the sheer joy in Stevie Wonder's music loosens my muscles and joints, so the physical therapy is all the more effective. 

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Minoan Ecstatic Postures: Shading the Eyes

Last week I began exploring Minoan ecstatic postures, starting with the most famous and familiar one: the Minoan salute.

Many modern Pagan traditions use specific poses and gestures in ritual. These are meant to symbolize parts of the spiritual belief system and to remind us of those during the rite. Ecstatic postures look very much like ritual gestures - in fact, they can be used as ritual gestures - but ultimately they have a different purpose.

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At the Root: The Shaman's Journey Trance

Throughout time, shamanic practitioners are known for their ability to enter an altered state of consciousness, called a “journey trance”, and visit other worlds. These initiated, trained and chosen spiritual leaders practice as mediators between community members, the spirit realms and the natural world. Understanding the mechanisms for how energy moves, how illness operates, and how healing is bestowed are all the domain of the shamanic practitioner. 

A lot falls under the umbrella of the shaman. Many get caught up in web of all the different directions one can go in the study of shamanism. It is important to come back to the foundation from time to time and realize that in the root of the practice springs forth much of what shamanism has to offer.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

"Even though modern culture has done it's best to corrupt art into a celebrity production machine, simply another form of entertainment, designed specifically as an opiate to the downtrodden, gluttonous, and vapid, it fails because the artist knows better. Art is magic. Art is one of the rawest shamanistic forms of connection with the universal source of everything, but only if the artist is brave enough to give the audience what it needs rather than what it thinks, or has been told, it wants." --Peter Beckley

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