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Mother's Flowering: The Summer Solstice

The night is warm and I stand facing the lingering light, thick and strong in its final hold. I think on all that has brought me to this point of the Great Wheel and call to myself the memories of lessons learned and places filled with burgeoning light that I have nurtured and cultivated as my Inner Sun waxed to fullness. Each memory is illuminated from within and I feel the heat of my Inner Sun flaring out from center’s core; extending light filled streams of connection to each treasured sensation and image so that all may see the product of my efforts.

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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, January 5

A writer wonders what it takes to get people excited about climate change. The impact of solar energy on poor farmers is examined. And the refugee crisis brings out some of the worst political elements in Germany. It's Fiery Tuesday, our weekly segment on political and societal news from around the globe! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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PaganNewsBeagle Fiery Tuesday Oct 7

In today's Pagan News Beagle, we bring you stories of activism, faith, and hope. A controversial activist gives "Pagan" invocations in Florida; nature deficit disorder; the "next" GMO?; GMO-proof corn?; and decentralized power in Germany.

Activist David Suhor (whose self identification is "Agnostic Pagan Pantheist Living Existentially") is raising hackles in a small Florida town with his "in-your-face" Pagan invocations. Is he a nuisance? A harmless gadfly? A courageous proponent of Pagan rights? Make up your own mind: the whole story is at The Wild Hunt.

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PaganNewsBeagle Earthy Thursday August 28

Earthy Thursday is here — and what a bumper crop of planetary news! Mysterious moving rocks in Death Valley (their secret discovered!); more (much more!) on the Icelandic volcanic eruption; living green roofs that replace air conditioning *and* generate solar energy; indigenous land management in Brazil fights climate change; and a slide show of amazing holy temples nestled in nature. Enjoy your Thursday!

The "moving rocks" of the playa known as "the Racetrack" in Death Valley have been a mystery for decades. Now we know exactly what makes them move. (I'll admit, I didn't see this answer coming.)

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PaganNewsBeagle Airy Monday August 25

Today's Airy Monday edition is full of fascinating science: what's beneath Stonehenge; a "clear glass" solar collector (imagine powering your cellphone with one!); "greening" a German power plant (literally); an analysis of why more women die from Ebola (and what it means to defeating the epidemic) and why the world smells different after a rainstorm. Enjoy your week!

Stonehenge will never be the same -- or, so says this report from Smithsonian, detailing the (literal) groundbreaking work of a team of scientists who have discovered its underground secrets.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_Windturbine_sm.jpgMom raised me to be an environmentalist. That meant we took our newspapers to be recycled long before there was any curbside pickup, and she donated money to the Sierra Club and Greenpeace. The dream of the future was one where people got power from sun, wind and tides, and lived in clever, energy-efficient homes and drove electric cars. Paganism fit beautifully with this vision. I loved it that when I moved to California, that I could drive down I5 and see miles of wind turbines. I thought they were lovely. Still do.

But somehow, this form of power continues to be out of reach for many Pagans. It’s a dream, but not one our pocketbooks will allow. Now with the government subsidies going to green energy projects, and Europe fielding more wind and solar power, there is renewed hope among the Pagans I know that the dream will become a reality. I wish it were true. I don’t personally know any Pagans who have solar panels on their roofs or wind turbines in their back yards. And that is because it is expensive, and can demand technical know-how.

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  • Gus diZerega
    Gus diZerega says #
    Selina- The thread ran out with you making statements that cannot be supported by facts, so I am continuing the discussion. The is
  • Anne Newkirk Niven
    Anne Newkirk Niven says #
    Oh, heck, I don't care if I'm off-grid or on-grid. I'd just like to do my part. Solar hot water is probably the easiest place to s
  • Selina Rifkin
    Selina Rifkin says #
    On grid will be easier. My husband is an electrician so I get to hear about this stuff. Managing the battery packs that come with
  • Anne Newkirk Niven
    Anne Newkirk Niven says #
    I'm in agreement that powering neighborhoods is a great place to start and I'm hoping to add solar when we reroof our home in the
  • Selina Rifkin
    Selina Rifkin says #
    Grid tied? or are you wanting to go off grid? Or are you talking solar hot water? I'd like to do the latter at some point.

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