The individual who is unable to control his mind will be its victim. — Manly P. Hall
Honestly, I’m pretty tired of the “10 Things to Ask Your Tarot Cards Before You Pee in the Morning” type of posts.
...PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Happy Cinco de Mayo, which commemorates the Mexican army's unexpected victory over the French in the battle of Puebla (they were greatly outnumbered). Contrary to popular belief, this is NOT Mexico's day of independence (that's 9/16). Here's a Tarot spread I created I created for you to use (especially if you you're in a "battle" of some sort...or feel like an underdog):
...Though not a holiday on any Pagan calendar with which I am familiar, the secular New Year feels like a magickal time to me for a couple of reasons.
The season is upon us and the Witch's New Year is soon at hand. I have gotten in the habit of doing a Tarot Reading at Samhain, aligned with the Sabbats throughout that upcoming year as well as one at the start of the calendar year, aligned astrologically (sharing that nearer to Yule).
The intention and flavor of many of the celebrations surrounding the Sabbats is one of a continued theme or thread of connection of one to the other creating a whole that can be used for magick, growth and deeper insights. Regardless of the theme you follow, that of the god and goddess, the cycles of the seasons, the flow of solar energy, or other-this tarot spread can be modified to align with those intentions.