I've been sitting on how to write about this divinity. Of all the cultural deities I've written about, the Orishas of Vodun and Santeria, tend to give me the most pause. I'm a child of the 80's, Angel Heart is alive in my subconscious I think. I spend a lot of time searching for something that I could, should write about Ogun. Today I stumbled upon a website that took me to my source. I give you my ode.
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Blog posts tagged in west african vodun
Cubans celebrate their dual faiths of Catholicism and Santería. The dwindling Parsi (Zoroastrian) community of Pakistan struggles to survive. And online atheists grapple with sexism in their movement. It's Faithful Friday, our weekly discussion of religion and religious communities from around the globe. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!