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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

 Suspicious packages: 9 signs of potential danger on your doorstep - ABC13  Houston


So, you're a witch, are you? I know, I know: you only came for the spells.

Well, let me tell you something about witching: it's a package deal.

Like every other tribe, we have our own religion. It's your religion now, whether you practice it or not.

Like every other tribe, we have our own gods. They're your gods now, whether you worship them or not.

Like every other tribe, we have our own ways. They're your ways now, whether you keep them or not.

You're a witch now, are you? Well, welcome to the tribe.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Sentiment Unbecoming a Witch

I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear it.

(Actually, I'm not at all sorry, and I really don't want to hear it. But this is, after all, Minnesota, and that's just what we say.)

Self-pity is sentiment unbecoming a witch.

That's why witches don't whine.

Witches never whine.

Whining = air pollution. Whining poisons the air around you. Whining poisons everyone around you.

Whining poisons you.

Witches don't have time to whine; witches are too busy doing.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
How Witches Think

Witches don't need to meditate, do yoga, or practice mindfulness.

Witches are already mindful.

Witches pay attention.

Witches notice.

Witches watch.

Witches listen.

Witches consider.

Witches remember.

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Making Dark Art

"I really like your artwork - it's beautiful and powerful.  But it's too dark for me to hang in my home." These words came from a middle-aged woman (my guess), standing in front of my table at a recent art show.  While most of the other attendees were in some form of fandom or cosplay attire, she was in regular clothes - well put-together, conservative yet confident, reminiscent of my mother in style.  

Though none of that really matters, it was just a quick observation on my part while trying to come up with a response.

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  • Anne Newkirk Niven
    Anne Newkirk Niven says #
    I wouldn't really call your artwork "dark" (although I'm happy you are willing to own that.) More like fantastic, astonishing, and

Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Consider the suffix -ry or -ery,*  which comes to us from Latin (-arius) via Old French (-er, -ier) via Middle English (-erie) and, attached to a noun or verb, can mean either a craft, study, or practice (husbandry, midwifery), a collective plural (Jewry, nunnery), or a place in which a particular activity takes place (bakery, hatchery).

So witchery can mean:

  1. Witchcraft,

  2. Witches collectively, and

  3. Witch Country.


One of my favorite lines from the Charge of the Goddess has always been: For behold, I am Queen of all Witcheries. Apparently there are multiple witcheries, and She's queen of them all. Andrew Mann said of Her in 1597: She has a grip of all the Craft. That's quite a claim.

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