The week is filled with challenging aspects, and also brings us a New Moon. Before I get into the day-to-day details, there are some interesting financial considerations coming up this week, and I want to alert you to them so you can watch whatever unfolds with an eye to the planetary aspects.

First, Venus, a planet associated with money, credit, and banking, is opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. Transits of the faster-moving planets tend to trigger the longer-term outer planet aspects, and it’s quite possible that there will be some major financial event on the global stage. Markets may be volatile.

Second, the chart of the New York Stock Exchange is getting hit with some important transits. Uranus and Pluto remain within orb of a conjunction and square to its Midheaven, respectively, and Venus squares the Midheaven mid-week. Also mid-week, the Mars-Saturn conjunction falls on the NYSE’s natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, opposing Saturn, which also suggests market volatility.


Venus rules entertainment and luxury items, as well as money, and with the Sun and Mercury in the performer’s sign of Leo, we may see some Sturm und Drang in the entertainment industry, accompanied by a great deal of hand-waving in the media as our attention is distracted by something deemed more entertaining than the posturing of politicians on campaign. Keep an eye on the headlines and we’ll see how it plays out.

Now for the details:

Monday begins with the Moon moving into Cancer very early in the morning — you may find yourself reluctant to leave home in the morning, if you commute. She trines Neptune at 8:30 a.m. (all times EDT), which can be a spacey aspect, but can also bring some psychic flow to the day. Let your intuition guide you. By mid-afternoon, Moon conjuncts Venus in Cancer, her ruling sign. Both these planets are approaching a square-opposition with the Uranus-Pluto square — the Moon will line up later in this evening, Venus later in the week.

The deeply emotional conjunction of Moon and Venus can bring compassion and understanding to whatever issues you are working on relative to the ongoing outer planet square, but you will need to remain very conscious to utilize this time productively, for the deep, subterranean forces of Pluto and the rebellious and destabilizing effects of Uranus can be quite disruptive. Keep your intentions and your core values clear and in the forefront of your mind. Do not let yourself forget what is of real importance to you — what is your will?— and act in accordance. Issues regarding women and motherhood may come to the fore early this week under these aspects, and money and security are likely to be hot topics.

Tuesday’s aspects are not major, but they are irritating and uncooperative. The lack of exact major aspects does not mean we'll coast through the day — plenty of powerful aspects are still well within orb, and affect the whole week. Most of them become exact tomorrow. Remember to breathe…

Wednesday is a doozy — try to get some morning meditation and personal grounding and protection work in before you head out into the day. The pressure actually starts the night before, as four aspects perfect during the early-morning hours: Moon squares Mars, then Saturn, then Venus opposes Pluto, and, just in time for breakfast, Mars conjuncts Saturn. Mars and Saturn together always denote effort, in making things happen, or in overcoming restrictions. The combination can also be bitter, obstinate, destructive, and brutally harsh. The irresistible force meeting the immoveable object. Watch your temper — and watch out for other people’s. If you find yourself on the verge of saying something hurtful or destructive, just stop. 

Venus oppose Pluto frequently indicates hurt feelings and obsessive behavior, often dredged up from the past and/or the subconscious. It can also indicate financial issues, particularly involving large institutions. Another take on this aspect is that it can also be an obsessively creative one, and — with Mars and Saturn to provide the energy and determination — you can bring a creative vision to birth.

If you are willing to work hard at something, and remain in balance emotionally, you will make the best of this challenging series of aspects. Take a look at which houses these planets currently occupy in your chart, and which houses they rule natally (in other words, if you have Aries on the cusp of your 4th house in your natal chart, Mars rules your 4th house, because Mars is the ruler of Aries). This will tell you in which areas of your life these aspects are likely to manifest. See this post for more information on determining your natal houses.

One more note — Mars and Saturn also equate to dryness, and the worst drought in decades is certainly in the news as the aspect approaches. This week may end up being the peak of the drought.

Venus squares Uranus very early Thursday morning, suggesting emotional tension, a play for emotional freedom, or emotional explosions. You may find that substituting “financial” or “creative” for “emotional” in the previous sentence better describes this aspect’s influence in your life. Again, check where the aspect falls, and which planets rule those houses in your chart.

Friday brings a New Moon in Leo, sextiling the now-separating Mars-Saturn conjunction. Leo lives in heart-centered truth, and the sextile to Mars and Saturn, as well as Mercury’s current presence in Leo, suggests that the coming month will be a good time to find the courage to communicate difficult truths. In the New Moon chart, Venus, at 9 degrees of Cancer, semi-squares the Sun-Moon conjunction, opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, which themselves are both sesquiquadrate the Moon. (Yeah, I know, that’s a lot to hold in your head. So I’ve posted the New Moon chart for Washington, DC. You may want to recast for your location.) This is a tense configuration that brings issues of women’s rights to center stage, as well as relationships, and money.

There are also likely to be breakthrough moments and surprising disclosures, both on personal and global fronts. The way through this maze is to have the courage of your convictions, and to be willing to do whatever is necessary to manifest a life that is congruent with your most deeply-held values.  Are you sure you know what those values are? Could you clearly explain them to someone else? The Venus aspect to the Uranus-Pluto square gives you an opportunity to make sure you have your priorities straight.

Saturday brings a mixed bag of aspects. The Moon-Venus sextile helps smooth the day’s social interactions, and a Mercury-Uranus trine early evening offers stimulating ideas and conversations. The Moon-Jupiter square at the same time suggests not squandering your energy, and thinking about any emotional blowback that might result from all those brilliant ideas that are rattling around in your head. Beware of foot-in-mouth disease.

Sunday is likely to be quiet — get some rest for the next day’s challenging aspects.

Until next week!