The sweet scent of petals and herbs can bring deep rest when you cast this spell. Make this craft and you’ll feel more rested every morning.

Gather together:

  • A small cloth bag with string to tie it
  • A white quartz crystal
  • Fresh white and pink rose petals, ½ cup
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • Dried woolly thyme, 1/3 cup
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon
  • Piece of white paper and a pen

Mix the flowers and herbs together, and fill the bottom half of the bag. Chop the vanilla bean with a table knife and add that in. Now write 5 qualities you want in regard to rest and rejuvenation on the piece of paper. For example, I did this a few years ago and wrote that I wanted to get up an hour earlier each day but feel fresh and rise up ready for the world. Sure enough, I was able to do that after one week. This manifesting works! Fold the paper at least once, to fit into the bag. Fill the rest of the bag up with the herbs. Nestle the crystal in the herbs right at the top, and tie the bag. Each night, take a sniff of the bag before you place it under your pillow to remind you of your search for true restoration.