Dental disasters are ranked as one of the most common dreams. Your teeth might crumble to bits in your mouth, rot, or fall out when you bite into something. Most people find these dreams to be quite scary. There are a broad variety of interpretations, so it’s important to consider the events and circumstances in your waking life that might apply to these interpretations.

Teeth are a very noticeable physical feature that are often tied to a person’s attractiveness, which makes vanity one likely interpretation of this dream. If you’re losing your teeth, that can be a sign that you’re putting an emphasis on your outward appearance when you think about your value as a person. If you find yourself constantly worried about how other people think you look, remember that attractiveness comes as much from the inside as the outer appearance. It is not just the latest, greatest hairstyle or the fit of your new skinny jeans, your attitude and personality is a big part of your beauty, too!