Centuries before there was Viagra, there was yohimbe root, now commonly sold in health food stores. Yohimbe is a very potent natural way to maximize any man’s vigor before a special night. Gather the following ingredients for this tea:

• 1 part sandalwood
• 1 part myrrh
• 1 part yohimbe root
• 3 drops tuberose oil

Make an incense by grinding together these ingredients with your mortar and pestle. For the tea, take the root and slice into thin slivers, as you would slice ginger root. When you have at least a half dozen slices, place into a two-cup teapot and pour in two cups of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for five full minutes,

Light the incense and burn it while brewing your yohimbe root tea. Speak the following aloud:

Lover of my heart, my passion I impart.
Lover of my flesh,
my passion is fresh.
Lover of my mind,
your passion to me binds.

Serve this veritable cup of love to your object of affection and enjoy nature’s magic.