If you have any doubts about a friend’s intentions or actions, try using a pendulum to help you determine the truth. I take my pendulum, a lovely striated quartz, everywhere I go to answer those tough yes-no questions that crop up daily. Pendulums are available with many different stones and crystals, but you can make one from any number of herbs, as well.

Take a twelve-inch length of string and choose one of the following herbs. Experiment to see which one works best for you:

• A sandalwood chip, cinnamon bark, a star anise seed, orris root, a lump of frankincense

Your best bet would be a string of natural fiber. If you can, take a needle and poke a hole through your root, bark, or seed to ensure that your pendulum is secure. Start out by asking, “Show me yes,” and “show me no.” Then, ask a question for which you know the answer. Don’t be surprised if the pendulum appears to have a mind of its own. Now you are ready to use this divination tool in all interpersonal matters where questions arise.