Consider the common Yule card.

It generally comes in one of three varieties.

1. Merry  Christmas  Yule. Out with the old, in with the new. Call it recycling.

2. Happy Holidays. Generic card. Yule, Christmas, Hanuka, Ramadan, Mother's Day....

3. Blesséd Yule. Oh-so pious-y pagan: pastels, pentagrams, and Horned Gods straight off the cover of a romance novel.

3a. All Hail Misrule! A specifically Old Craft sub-genre of Type 3, tending to feature woodcut-style graphics. Often features goats. 

And this year's 'Best Yule Card' Award goes to....


Head of goat (with quirky expression) wearing holly wreath around neck.


Season's bleatings.

....for somehow managing to combine all three (or four) genres.


Yule, Yule,

merry Misrule:

everyone hail

the Monarch of Fools!