Egypt Civilization - Min, God of Fertility, Min -Egyptian mnw- is an  ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in the predynastic period - 4th  millennium BCE- He was represented in many different

The “Tantra” of Temple Worship


Hey, do me a favor, would you? You're still working on that spell for summoning the dead, aren't you?

Well, when you finally perfect it, would you let me know?

Oh, nobody in particular. Pretty much any ancient Egyptian priest would do, I should think.

Well, yeah...I do have a question about...ah, temple protocol, you could call it, that I'd like to ask him. You know, offerings and such?

Say: you've got a home temple, don't you? Do you pray and make offerings there on a daily basis?

Just off and on, eh? Hmm. Well...let me ask you anyway.

So...when you make the prayers and offerings, do you ever find yourself getting...well, physically aroused?

OK, whew. So it's not just me. I mean, it makes perfect sense, of course: serpent power and all. Every temple offering's a Great Rite, right?

Still, I mean, we're witches, serving witch gods. I mean: Old Hornie, “lord of the skull and the phallus”, right? He pretty much is Arousal, right? Like god, like priest?

But does it depend on which god you're serving, maybe? I mean, Min, sure, but Amun? Or Thoth? That's what I want to know.

Yeah, f*ck, that's the bitch of it. Witchery, sure, that's never gone away, but witch temples now, our tribal sanctuaries? We haven't had those for years and years.

So much lost, so much.


Back when, there would have been a senior priest to ask, but now...we just have to figure it out as we go, and try not to blow anything up in the meantime.

Oh well, that's what friends are for, I guess. Maybe I'll give Ravi over at Ganesh Mandir a call, see what he thinks.

Anyway, thanks. Hey, be sure to get back to me about that spell, OK?






Hey Frater!