Go Deep. Discover what more there is to the situation. Live it.

This is the key to a live lived. Thich Nhat Hanh has said:

“It is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”


Let today be day filled with this prayer. In every moment, communicate with Earth. Be with her. Be with how she is with you. And you will discover for yourself, how this brings you the experience and benefits of prayer. How it will fill your day with an inner glow, how life starts sweetly happening, and your mind is open and relaxed. Enjoy this fully, it's the gift of life, and it's here for you. 

It is you who starts with choosing: 'I will take this piece of the cake, I will leave that'. The impact of this is, your life diminishes, one bite at a time. Today, let's reverse that process. Say yes to every- everything. Start with your communication with earth. It's happening right now, right here. Be with how she touches you. The rest will follow.