A weekend of nothing.  It’s a dream, a fantasy to be able to do nothing for an entire weekend.  However, the nothing isn’t really nothing.  It’s a setting aside of the normal and my responsibilities to do what feeds my soul.

Life keeps me busy and as the end of the year nears with the pile up of holidays (whichever ones are celebrated) it becomes more stressful and chaotic.  This means finding ways to smooth out the chaos and stress.

Last weekend, I had a long list of things I needed (in my head) to get done.  None of it was a true need.  Not doing them didn’t bring the world to a screeching halt or have significant financial consequences (like not paying my mortgage or other bills).  My responsibilities were met.  Some of my list was done but as I finished a group of tasks and looked at the next to do, I felt exhausted. 

My daughter called as she was out being an adult and fulfilling her responsibilities.  I told her all I really wanted to do was crochet and watch this new (to me) program on Netflix.  It sounds boring but for me, it is a slice of heaven.  My daughter encouraged me to go put my feet up and relax with my crochet hook.  Now her motives may be suspect since I have four or six containers of yarn she wants me to make into goodies for her.  However, I took the new patterns I’d written and curled up on my couch with my crochet hook. 

I spent most of my weekend there.  My intention was to finalize the version of my patterns so I could publish and to make gifts for several people.  I got three gifts done.  I created two baskets from my patterns and made two things for my middle daughter. 

Those are the things I accomplished.  I also took time to let go of the stress I’ve had for a few weeks.  My life has been crashing down on me from a couple of directions.  I handle it because it’s what I do.  However, I reach a saturation point and just need to be alone and quiet. 

This past weekend was all about bringing the focus away from the stresses and into me and what calms and evens me out.  Meditation hasn’t been working, probably because I have too much on my mind.  When I meditate lately I find myself in a chaotic world where I don’t find answers just more questions. 

Crocheting on the other hand, made me focus on my intention for the items.  The gifts I made are for people who I care about and want to provide a nice item they wouldn’t get elsewhere.  It’s not a gift card or a run of the mill item.  It’s unique and individual to them.  Instead of focusing on my own crankiness, I focused on the intent of the gift. 

I enjoyed keeping my hands busy, my mind busy but the act of giving allows me to step away from my own issues.  All of that packed into a few crocheted items.  Even as I worked on the baskets – not specifically meant for anyone – I considered what they would look like, how they could be used


The things causing my stress didn’t go away while I sat and crocheted all weekend but my attitude towards them and my ability to cope with them changed.  The focus on the intent of the gifts and the crafting helped me let go and release the stress from the previous few weeks.  It helped me to cope and consider options.  Mostly it shifted me from being cranky and stressed to be able to cope with the stresses.  The shift helped me revive my energy to face another week filled with stress.