Myth Maker: Modern Mythopoetics

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Eros's Symposium

It all began with a discussion among some friends about Plato.  We were talking about our favorite books, and it turned out that we all really loved the Symposium.  (Yes, my friends and I are all dorks.  You know you're jealous!)  And so, by the end of the evening, the invitations went out:

"In the 4th century BC, Plato wrote one of the most influential works of all time: the Symposium. A series of speeches to Eros, god of Erotic Love, this work has shaped, if not directly influences, almost all of what we westerners think about love and romance.

But times are a-changin', and we're no longer in the world of ancient Athenian (oligarchical, patriarchal) aristocrats. Since love is a fixture of the human experience, why not update this work? Moreover, why not update this work *by actually holding a symposium of our own*?


So let's dedicate a night to Modern-day Eros, get boozed up, and hold a symposium of our own? On February 9th, we'll gather at Witch House with good food, the intoxicants of your choice, and a prepared speech, poem, or other presentation on the nature of love as an offering to Eros.  Wear red."

My presentation, an original hymn for Eros Protogonos, whom the Orphics called Phanes, is below.  If you'd like to hold your own Symposium ritual, you can find complete instructions on my personal blog.  Below, you'll find my personal offering, an original hymn to Primordial Eros.

Hymn for Eros Protogonos

Sara L. Mastros


Hesiod tells us, as only he can

That long before begetting began,

Long before the birth of the Earth,

In the beginning, “Xaos came first”.


In a sinuous spasm of shuddering, shivering,

Shimmering, jiggling, quickening, quivering,

As a voluptuous void of thick viscous mist,

Howling and moaning, Xaos came to exist.


Xir ragged breath shaking in gasps and in grunts,

Xe ejaculates seed from Xir infinite cunts,

Crystalline crumbs of uncut actuality,

Coalescing, condensing, into our reality.

Great Mother Matter whom Hesiod called,

“wide-bosomed Gaia, firm foundation of all.”


Next, we are told, by our Muse-tutored rhapsode,

“Eros shone forth”, from his cosmic abode,

“The fairest of all of the immortal gods,

Who unnerves the limbs and sets minds all at odds,

Eros shuns reason, refusing wise counsel”,

He makes sinners behave, turns saints into scoundrels.


Eros, Sex-Love, third-born from the Dark,

the gravitational force that draws quark close to quark,

His shuddering orgasm was that very Big Bang,

Mathematical symphony the first angels sang,

He gave passionate atoms their nuclear fire.

Eros, the Lucifer, god of Naked Desire,

Lit the spark of the stars and warmed the cold Night,

Giving heat to the universe, he let there be light.


Then Eros awakened the womb of the Earth,

And out flowed the Sky, the very first birth.

Gaia and Ouranos, united in love,

The Earth’s firm foundation, the Heavens above,

Their waters were joined, the primordial soup,

their commingled essence, that amino-laced goop,

The  roiling ocean from which all life springs,

Eros instigator of the Ten Thousand Things.


Evolution went slowly, in those early days,

Until Eros taught Life His creative ways,

Igniting the yearning for recombination,

Eros taught us the arts of sex and flirtation,

Dividing the genders, as woman and man,


beginning begetting from whence you began.


Last modified on
Sara L. Mastros teaches Witchcraft, Greek and Near Eastern Mythology, Jewish Kabbalah, Pythagorean Mysticism, and Practical Sorcery in Pittsburgh, online, and at festivals all over the East Coast.  Check out her personal blog at or follow along with all her witchy shenanigans on facebooking by "liking" Mastros & Zealot: Witches for Hire" at . In addition to writing and teaching, Sara offers hand-compounded incenses and oils, as well as custom sorcery, hand-made magical tools and altar ware, consultations, divinations, and one-on-one teaching at


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