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The Aurora Cascade: Merging Cosmic Light and Flowing Waters

For some time there was no real certainty as to what causes the otherwordly phenomenon of the aurora borealis. In 2021 scientists finally confirmed that the natural light show starts when disturbances on the sun pull on Earth’s magnetic field. This creates cosmic undulations known as Alfvén waves that launch electrons at high speeds into Earth’s atmosphere where they create the aurora.

Have you ever wondered what our ancestors must have thought and felt when they saw the northern lights? How magical and surreal it must have been for them, almost as much as it is for us even now, despite knowing the exact cause. The lack of mystery does not dampen the wondrous impact the aurora has on the imagination and the soul.

One especially interesting feature that has been discovered is that electrons essentially surf on the Alfvén waves. If they move with the right speed relative to the wave, they get picked up and accelerated much like surfers catch a building wave.

This brings at least one watery allegory into the mix. Yet the aurora and water are more closely related than you might think. All the water on Earth is of interstellar origins and the northern lights undulate in very watery waves and colors. As I often say, we are made of water and starlight, so the convergence of the aurora and of flowing water is not only perfectly harmonious, it creates a powerful visualization tool for grounding, protection, inspiration and manifestation. I call this the Aurora Cascade.

A long, purple and electric blue-green curtain of dancing aurora pours itself out of the sky in a cascade that becomes indistinguishable from a singing, rushing waterfall as it falls closer to the ground. Water and light meld and shimmer in the gentle torrent. Step into the glowing falls and feel it mingle with the waters and the energy in your cells. This is the source, this is what we are made of. It is renewing and it is an ongoing cosmic blessing.


We are the center in between the above and below. When sitting or standing within the Aurora Cascade, you are the nexus in this liminal space, the point of origin. All work – meditating, journeying, spell work, manifestation or shamanic work – ideally begins with grounding; rooting and establishing a link, but not just to the below. To the medieval alchemists, water and light were in the same symbolic family, and indeed are two of the main and most essential components to almost all life. The grounding unfolds through a conscious integration of these elemental energies, rooting the individual firmly in the earth’s embrace but also providing a tether to higher cosmic realms.

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Summon by the Light of the New Moon: A New Vocation Spell

The new moon is an excellent time for ritual, especially when your focus is on bringing new things into your life, such as a job change. If you’re seeking employment, try out the following ritual to manifest your desires. Get your supplies out:

• 2 green candles

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Lover's Lure: An Enchantment to Entice

This conjuration utilizes the secret language of flowers to bring your ideal love into your life. With visualization and daily spell work, you can create the love of a lifetime, custom fit to your specifications. Gather up:

• 2 candles shaped like human figurines, or two pink candles

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She Who is Bee-like in Nature: Goddess Durga

It was during the Worldwide Meditation of April 4th/5th, 2020, that I was visualizing the White Light pillar coming down from Creator to gobble up confusion, fear and fight the current panic around the virus on Earth, when suddenly, out of the White cloud, came a Dark Blue cloud. Then to my surprise out of the Blue Cloud, came a huge swarm of Bees. As I watched in my meditative state, I saw them being sent around the Earth. How amazing, I thought, feeling what a perfect negative energy killing, bees can have on Earth.

The next morning I wrote an email to my friends, clients and students about my Vision, and how I felt that the Earth had gone through a transformation, had changed for the better. 

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

World Chillout Day is a day to visualize all things cool and calm. It’s like Visualize World Peace but more. Imagine war cooling down, imagine wildfires going out, imagine hot-heads cooling off and cooler heads prevailing, imagine winter in the air and snow falling on the earth.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Inner Strength

Being overweight in a society which reveres skeletons as fashionable, I’ve learned to turn a blind eye and deaf ear; assess the strength of furniture; determine the width and depth of space and deflect looks of disgust all because I dare to be outside the norm. Contrary to what many people believe, I used to be slim, athletic and well within societal norms.  As a freshman in high school, I was on the gymnastics team and at my lowest weight of about 115 pounds.  I was also miserable.  I hurt all the time and felt conspicuous with my bones jutting out.  Even at that low of a weight I was never a size zero like one of my sisters but size twelve is certainly respectable.

Life happens and weight seemed to find me.  Low income, poor nutrition and many mistakes along the way piled on weight to my 5’4” frame.  I make no excuses as I am responsible for my situation and myself.  I’m overweight not stupid.  Life happens and this is how I am right now in this moment.  I can’t wave my magic wand and become 120 pounds again.  Honestly I don’t know that I ever want to be that thin again.  I don’t believe it was healthy for me.  However, I would like to be thinner than I am now.

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Working with the energetic momentum of whatever it's your intention to shift - rather than against it - is almost always ideal. The Cauldron of Lilac Fire visualization is invaluable for doing just that. It naturally balances and powerfully purifies pretty much anything you'd like, including (but not limited to) people, objects, relationships, physical spaces, and situations. And the more you practice, the easier and quicker it becomes.

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