
Dark Moon Mysteries: Wisdom, Power and Magic of the Shadow World

Dark Moon Mysteries:
Wisdom, Power and Magic of the Shadow World
by Timothy Roderick


I have always worked closely with the Crone. In fact, my spirit name is a direct reflection of this. So it’s not surprising that one day, when I was browsing at a local bookstore, the title of this book leapt out. I pulled the book from the shelf and sat down, thumbing through the pages. Within minutes I knew I had to add it to my library.

I’m drawn to the mystic, yet the Gemini in me demands that a book meets certain criteria. Not only must it be well written and researched, but must teach while it entertains and opens my horizons. Mr. Roderick has done just that.

He has combined his training as a Clinical Psychologist with his beliefs (Mr. Roderick belongs to an order of English Traditional Wicca), using folktales to help teach — which I found reminiscent of the book Women Who Run With Wolves. But the author has also applied his Traditional training as a Wiccan to help plot out a course for those who are ready to met and claim their shadows. The book has been divided into three parts for the reader.

“Dark Moon Wisdom” acts as an introduction to meeting ones own darkness, naming it, recognizing it for what it is, and assimilating it into your life. “Spirals: Dark Moon Power” discusses the Widdershins Spiral and the powers that we are able to reclaim and learn from. And finally, “Spells: Dark Moon Crafts” presents various magicks associated with the Dark Moon. Throughout each of these sections, rituals and exercises are given to help one recognize one’s shadow, claim it, and assimilitate its power(s) into ones lives.

This is is an excellent guidebook in helping readers claim their power to face their shadow and bring it to light, allowing healing to begin on an in-depth level. It encourages us to embrace not only our light half, but the dark as well, helping us to complete our own Circle in our everyday lives.


RATING: 4 Broomsticks

» Originally appeared in newWitch #01

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