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Faery Mounds


'Do Love Thee'

The Prydn have no word for “I”.

The Prydn are novelist Parke Godwin's answer to Margaret Murray's question: What if those that we have come to call “Faerie”, the Old People of the Hills, were actually the aboriginals of the Land? What would, what could, such a culture look like from within?

Godwin's Arthurian novel Firelord (1980), its prequel The Last Rainbow (1985), and associated short stories—"Finnegan's Hearth" (1977) and "Uallanach" (1988)—are well worth the reading; not so much for their Arthurian content—Rosemary Sutcliff does it all better, at greater depth, and much more true-to-period in Sword at Sunset—but for the entry that it offers into the fhains and crannogs of the Prydn.

Their mind-set is wholly collective. Their language has no word for “I”, “he”, “she”, or “they”.

A's Pronouns Be:

We  Thee   A

A's a good dog. Really, do love thee.


Everyone's Favorite Subject


In Magick [sic] Without Tears, weird Uncle Al Crowley—the man that put the "icky" in "magickian"—recommends to would-be students of the arcane that, as an exercise in magickal [sic] training, they should pick a common word—he recommends “I”—and eliminate it from their vocabulary.

For each slip, he says, they should gash their forearm deeply until it bleeds.

Well, you can put that knife back in the drawer where it belongs. (That's just Uncle Al being Uncle Al.) Indeed: for a narcissist like Crowley to lay aside the First Person must have been utterly hellish.

Still, one has to wonder. What would the world be like if, for even a brief time, we all voluntarily laid aside Everyone's Favorite Subject?


The Other Epidemic


There's an epidemic raging in America today, and I don't mean covid. This one's just as bad, and (in the end) has probably killed more people than the Red Hag herself.

I mean the epidemic of Othering.

Republicans other Democrats. Democrats other Republicans. Evangelicals other non-Evangelicals. Hets other homos, homos other hets. Leftists other Rightists, Rightists Leftists. etc., etc., ad nauseam and unto ages of ages.

I don't need to tell you how socially corrosive this epidemic of othering has become. Othering destroys. Othering kills.

The Mother's truth: we're all in this together. How, then, do we inoculate ourselves against this mental pandemic?

Well, for one, we start by refusing to make ridiculous generalizations about one another.


In Which Our Intrepid Blogger Comes out as a 'We'


I'm checking in at Paganicon 2023. As an optional add-on to your name tag, you can specify pronoun preference, if you like.

Oh, pronouns. Talk about self-obsession. Talk about privilege. Talk about entitlement. Somehow, I always want to tell people: Here, meet my friend Fatima. She's a sub-Saharan mother whose children are dying of starvation.

Go ahead: tell her about your bloody pronouns.

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Posted by on in Studies Blogs
Autumn's Chill

There's a wonderful passage in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where the poet leads us through the changing seasons. I've always been struck by the poet's evocation of the harshness of winter's chill -- no surprise at time when people still reckoned age by how many winters they'd survived.

After þe sesoun of somer wyth þe soft wyndez
Quen Zeferus syflez hymself on sedez and erbez,
Wela wynne is þe wort þat waxes þeroute,
When þe donkande dewe dropez of þe leuez,
To bide a blysful blusch of þe bryȝt sunne.
Bot þen hyȝes heruest, and hardenes hym sone,
Warnez hym for þe wynter to wax ful rype;
He dryues wyth droȝt þe dust for to ryse,
Fro þe face of þe folde to flyȝe ful hyȝe;
Wroþe wynde of þe welkyn wrastelez with þe sunne,
Þe leuez lancen fro þe lynde and lyȝten on þe grounde,
And al grayes þe gres þat grene watz ere;
Þenne al rypez and rotez þat ros vpon fyrst,
And þus ȝirnez þe ȝere in ȝisterdayez mony,
And wynter wyndez aȝayn, as þe worlde askez,
no fage,
Til Meȝelmas mone
Watz cumen wyth wynter wage.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Stags that Wear Torcs

One of the mysterious creatures that inhabit the dark forests of Arthurian lore is the stag with a crown around its neck.

This bizarre figure has entered heraldry and folklore as well. A stag gorged with a crown (French gorge = “throat”) appears on numerous coats of arms and pub signs.

The meaning is not far to find. The stag is the preeminently crowned animal—“crowned with antler”—and, as such, Lord of the Forest. Still: a crown around the neck? Weird.

Peeking from behind the High Medieval Dudgeon of much Arthurian lore one may sometimes see hints of something older and wilder: retroflections of the early Iron Age, post-Roman Keltic world that gave rise to the later material. And here, I suspect, we may find a key to understanding the stag gorged with a crown.

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  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor says #
    Glad you mentioned Diana Paxson; she and MZB collaborated on an entire series of Avalon books predating Mists, that start all the
  • Hunter Liguore
    Hunter Liguore says #
    Thank you both for your comments. Yes, it is one of those tough questions regarding responsibility, a theme I see often in MZB's b
  • Heather Kaminski
    Heather Kaminski says #
    This is my favorite novel and I've given some thought to all you have talked about here. Ultimately as is the case with most leade
  • Heather Kaminski
    Heather Kaminski says #
    Good article. Just want to point out error at the end of the seventh paragraph. "Uther was born" should be "Arthur was born."

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