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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

You can do this work.
You can live this life.
You are made for these times. b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_8728.jpg
You are capable.
You are bold.
You are brave.
You are needed.
You are strong.
You can rest
when you need to.

For people experiencing unfamiliar levels of isolation in their homes this month, here are some potential resources to check out for "home retreating":

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

I call upon the Goddess
She who weaves the whole.
I call upon the elements b2ap3_thumbnail_49343208_2244658619079681_8282815331932569600_o.jpg
Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
I call upon my ancestors
the legacy of their years.
I call upon the creative pulse within
this fire of inspiration
I am privileged to carry and birth.
I call these together now to support,
recognize, honor, and witness
the completion of this year
and my work therein.

This week, I anointed my head, throat, heart and wrists with oil and settled down with representations of our work from 2018 for my annual ritual honoring the completion of the year. I burned incense, helped Tanner (4) waft palo santo around to all the stale corners of the house, and worked on the biz review section of the Shining Year workbook. I sang my new song of the year, celebrated myself for a year well spent, and thanked these creations for coming through me. After I acknowledged the work, I took a cleansing shower with a special salts mix from Sugar Muses and offered myself a body blessing of appreciation and gratitude. The words of blessing poured from me spontaneously in the shower and I wish I’d written it down for better recall, but perhaps it was meant as solely a personal experience. Today, I will walk the labyrinth as the final step in sealing the year. b2ap3_thumbnail_49444818_2244340859111457_2214261490280562688_o.jpg

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Trust your magic. b2ap3_thumbnail_September-2018-751.JPG
Be alert for beauty.
Attend to the many wonders
of your world.

Take a deep breath. Pause. Listen. Let the rest of the worries of the day drift away for a moment and sit with the center of yourself.

In the quiet space between thoughts, between needs, before scrolling on, pause and listen.

What do you need to know right now?

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

"Wonder is a gift of living. Living is a gift of wonder."

--Anne Wilson Schaef

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

“Eating the first corn, cutting the first ripe tomato, grilling fresh fish in the open air: if done consciously,  these can become rituals of love and thanksgiving to the earth that sustains us.”

–Patricia Monaghan, The Goddess Companion

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

“Awakening doesn’t happen all at once. It is a thread that once pulled it unravels a little at a time.

Slowly tug by tug the holes appear. Nothing fits you the same in this threadbare world.

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

My body is my altar,
My body is my temple,
My living presence on this earth,
My prayer, my prayer, my prayer…

(Molly Remer)

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