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Align with the Goddess Quan Yin to Bring Courage and Serenity to the Heart

The following is a compilation of excerpts from my forthcoming book, Holistic Energy Magic: Charms and Techniques for Creating a Harmonious Life

As you may know, Quan Yin is the Buddhist goddess of peace and harmony. She’s also known as “the Bodhissatva of Infinite Compassion.” (A bodhissatva is someone who chooses to be reborn again and again into this physical plane until all beings find peace.) Her name, which means “the one who responds to the cries of the world,” suits her. She has a gentle yet very powerfully healing energy that is evocative of rose quartz and white lotus blossoms. As a counterpart to other healing mother goddess such as Mary and Isis, practitioners of many spiritual faiths call upon her for healing of all varieties. She’s believed to be a feminine aspect of the beloved Buddhist deity Avalokiteshevara, although some believe her to be the ascended spiritual form of a human princess. Call on her for gentleness, soothing, harmony, heart healing, and healing of all varieties. I’ve also discovered that she can be a great help with soothing crying children.

Quan Yin Alignment for Sensitive Souls

If you’re a sensitive, compassionate, empathic person, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed by turning on the news or simply contemplating any aspect of the cruelty, sadness, and struggle perpetuated and experienced by our fellow earthlings. Indeed, sometimes it seems the more conscious and energetically open we get, the more open we are to the wave of heartbreak that appears to characterize this life experience. And this can be especially confusing because at the same time, our sensitivity allows us to see that the more positivity and joy we can muster, the more healing we will bring to the world.

The following practice aligns us with the “Quan Yin Consciousness,” a grid of energy that constantly surrounds the earth with compassion and love. (In New Age traditions, some call it the Christ Consciousness and prefer to associate it with Jesus Christ, but it may also be accurately named after any purely compassionate being or deity with whom you resonate.) This can be a great blessing to those of us who have chosen to be open-hearted warriors: beings who witness the horror and injustice while also being beacons and cheerleaders of love, forgiveness, and positivity, in order to help shift things for the better.

I suggest performing this alignment every day as needed, just before bed, first thing in the morning, or as a part of your daily meditation. But first, relax, and envision very bright pinkish-white light bathing, repairing, restructuring, and strengthening your heart, and then expanding throughout your entire body and aura.

With your eyes closed and your hands resting open on your knees or thighs, index fingers and thumb tips lightly touching, inhale deeply and think,

“Consciousness expand to the Quan Yin Consciousness.”

Then, with pursed lips, exhale, sending your awareness and energy field to connect with the Quan Yin Consciousness, which you may perceive in your mind’s eye as a geometrical grid of pinkish-white light that surrounds and hovers above the earth, from the level of the heart (about 3-4 feet off the ground) to about the level of a four story building. Now that you’re plugged in to this energy, consider the deep meaning of Quan Yin’s moniker, “The Boddhisatva of Infinite Compassion.” As a being who chooses to stay present on earth until all beings realize enlightenment and know peace, she is an excellent spiritual ally for times when we feel overwhelmed by the human challenges and heartbreak of the planet, as she reminds us to be loving and compassionate with ourselves, and also with every other single being on earth.

Take a moment to request that Quan Yin support your efforts to keep your heart open while also bringing courage, blessings, love, healing, and vibrant positivity to the planet. Request the ability to relentlessly love everyone and everything fully, unconditionally, and with deep compassion. Then, notice the grid of light encircling the earth remaining, as an identical grid splits off from it and begins to shrink in size, while retaining its full potency. Keep your awareness on this shrinking grid, until it reaches the size of a large grapefruit and resides around your heart, protecting and bolstering it while allowing it to stay open, receptive, and compassionate.

Quan Yin Cooling Breath

Here’s a simpler practice that you can do anytime you need to summon serenity. Begin to notice your breath as it goes in and out. As you’re doing this, inwardly call on Quan Yin, and feel her settle into your body, reminding you that all is well. Once your breath naturally begins to deepen, inhale lightly and deeply through your nose, conjuring up the scent of fresh peppermint or eucalyptus as you do so. Each time you inhale this cooling air, think the word,


As you exhale, purse your lips into a tiny “O” shape, as if you are blowing bubbles. As you do so, feel that you are blowing tension and worry out of your body. Each time you exhale, think the word,


Continue until you feel sufficiently serene. Finish by thinking,

Quan Yin, I thank you.



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Tess Whitehurst is the award-winning author of a number of books, including The Magic of Flowers and Holistic Energy Magic. She's also a feng shui consultant and a worldwide intuitive counselor. She lives in Boulder, CO. Visit her and sign up for her free monthly newsletter at


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