Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life

I grew up on a farm in West Virginia and learned much about herbs, trees, animals, gardening, foraging  and so much about nature. I incorporate this wisdom I learned from elders in my family into my spellwork. When I finally left the farm, I majored in Medieval Studies, my attempt to emulate my idol, J.R.R. Tolkien. All these influences led me to my own blended brew which I call "middle earth magic," containing a mix of the modern and the time-tested "old ways." 

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Which Wand is Right for You?

A wand is used for directing energy. It is best to make your own wand from found wood and instill it with your personal energy. You can go out into a nearby park or  the woods, a suitable branch that has fallen. Never cut a wand from a tree as that energy will be retained by the wand. Allow Mother Nature to find choose on for you; she is always rights. You might find the perfect weathered wand on a beach as driftwood. Each tree has it distinctive properties:

·        Ash, Fraxinus excelsior. Ash grows fast and its seedlings root everywhere, so it’s t persistent. Use ash for prosperity, transformation and self-improvement.

·        Birch, Betula Pendula, has feminine energy and healing power. Boiled soft birch wood was used to soothe bruises and calm cuts. Use a birch wand for healing spells, for calming situations, and for requesting a diplomatic solution.

·        Crab Apple, Malus Sylvestris, will provide bent and twisted, gnarled wands. Apple, as we know, is the tree of knowledge and wisdom. Apples, the fruit and the wood, are extremely useful to witchcraft. Use an apple wand whenever you need guidance, want to know the truth, or as an everyday wand.

·        Rowan or Mountain Ash, Sorbus aucuparia, is native to the British Isles. There is a closely related American species, Sorbus Americana. It’s also a ‘portal tree’, therefore when you want to undertake a journey or a guided visualization, keep your Mountain Ash wand close by.

·        Oak, Quercus robur, has a strong, masculine energy and is also good for healing and protection. It makes a good, long-lasting wand for intensely focused work. If you choose to use only one wand, make it oak.

Make Your Own Manifestation Tool

Gather together:

Found piece of wood

Sand paper


Copper wire, 12 inches in length

A crystal of your preference to use as the If you found the perfect piece of wood, sand it to smoothness so it feels good in your hand, which is very important. If your found wood branch is too long,   use your magical bolline knife to cut it down to 12 inches or your preferred length. Wrap copper wire around the top and affix the crystal of your preference to the end. Your wand should look beautiful to your eye so embellish it with ornaments  you love such as beads, sequins, seashells, tiny crystals or whatever pleases your eye and adds to the power of this sacred implement.

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    Cerridwen Greenleaf has worked with many of the leading lights of the spirituality world including Starhawk, Z Budapest, John Michael Greer, Christopher Penczak, Raymond Buckland, Luisah Teish, and many more. She gives herbal, crystal and candle magic workshops throughout North America. Greenleaf's graduate work in medieval studies has given her deep knowledge she utilizes in her work, making her work unique in the field. A bestselling author, her books include Moon Spell Magic, The Book of Kitchen Witchery, The Magic of Gems and Crystals and the Witch’s Spell Book series.  She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.  


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