Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life

I grew up on a farm in West Virginia and learned much about herbs, trees, animals, gardening, foraging  and so much about nature. I incorporate this wisdom I learned from elders in my family into my spellwork. When I finally left the farm, I majored in Medieval Studies, my attempt to emulate my idol, J.R.R. Tolkien. All these influences led me to my own blended brew which I call "middle earth magic," containing a mix of the modern and the time-tested "old ways." 

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Spice Up Your Life With Witchy Self-Care

Cinnamon Leaf Instant Boost

Cinnamon leaf oil is delightfully spicy with very effective anti-inflammatory properties. This oil  works wonders for relieving aching muscles, aches and pains after a long hard day of stress and strain. Cinnamon leaf oil is a true boon for  reducing stress and anxiety: Cinnamon leaf oil also helps reduce drowsiness and will give you an instant energy boost. This essential oil will give you a quick perking up if you're feeling exhausted weary, both physically and mentally.


Breathe In, Breathe Out

 Inhale directly by  putting 1-2 drops on your wrists or on a clean hankie or cotton swab.  The spicy aroma is sure to revitalize you!


Orange Spice Mood Soother

4 teaspoons apricot or jojoba carrier oil

4 crops cinnamon leaf essential oil

6 drops orange (enroll)  essential oil

Pour these oils in a small dark-colored bottle with a dropper cap. Shake gently and store in a dark cupboard for when you or your loved ones need perking up. This can be used as massage oil gently applied to pulse points. Bonus- it repels bugs and can be great or a hike or camping trip. I put a few drop of cinnamon leaf oil in my diffuser. It instantly relaxes me and the tension just drains away and I feel more content.



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    Cerridwen Greenleaf has worked with many of the leading lights of the spirituality world including Starhawk, Z Budapest, John Michael Greer, Christopher Penczak, Raymond Buckland, Luisah Teish, and many more. She gives herbal, crystal and candle magic workshops throughout North America. Greenleaf's graduate work in medieval studies has given her deep knowledge she utilizes in her work, making her work unique in the field. A bestselling author, her books include Moon Spell Magic, The Book of Kitchen Witchery, The Magic of Gems and Crystals and the Witch’s Spell Book series.  She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.  


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