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Alternate Realities and Messages From Beyond the Veil

Posted by on in Studies Blogs

There are some things I would never do today, though unfortunately I did do them the first time they were presented to me, when my limited life experience failed to guide me in making better choices. Since there is no changing what I did in the past - in this reality, at least - I take comfort in thinking that maybe I made better choices in alternate realities! 

When we're in the middle of an uncomfortable experience, we know there are several ways in which it could potentially turn out. We hope for the best outcome, but we are aware that "the womb of time" holds a range of possibilities. 

The ways that vital situations in my life resolved themselves have had a profound effect on how I live now. This is, inescapably, the way things turned out - in this reality. But if the metaphysical principles are true - As Above, So Below and As Within, So Without - then Time's possibilities must work in both directions. There must exist alternative realities in which those situations turned out differently! 

I have had vivid dreams in which loved ones whom I lost in this life recovered from their illnesses, continued to thrive, and still live with me now. This is in keeping with the Hindu belief that Lord Krishna showed his grieving mother that all her children who were killed in infancy were alive and well - and growing up - on the other side of the veil!  

How can death be an end, when our friends and relatives continue their careers in other dimensions of space-time?  

I want to stress, at this point, that you must deal with your present life as best you can; I am not advocating a schizoid break from reality. But I strongly suspect that when we pray to our ancestors and talk to our recently departed, it is on one of these alternate dimensions of reality that we contact them. We are not simply indulging in wishful thinking; we are sending messages, and our messages are received. 

And since our messages are received, the answers that come back to us through our intuition (when they are loving and helpful) are not imaginary. They are real! But you may need to develop your receiving set.  

Our 21st-century minds are familiar with wireless phones that give varying degrees of performance quality. If one phone has a low battery, or suffers interference from other Wi Fi users, the message is garbled and hard to make out. The psychic equivalent of this is a distracted - or drugged - mind. 

The ancient meditation teachers knew what they were talking about when they said we must sit in silence, with purified and focused minds. We can be misled by delusions and false messages when our systems are polluted by strong emotions. We can be fooled by our own thoughts, when we have been obsessing on something in an unhealthy manner. 

It was exactly the same when your loved one was here in the flesh! If you thought you already knew what he or she was going to say to you, it rendered you unable to hear - or to believe - anything to the contrary that he or she was really trying to say! The only way you could receive the authentic communication which your loved one wanted you to hear, was to calm down, relax, let go of your preconceptions and prejudices - and listen with an open mind. Not easy to do in the flesh - and considerably harder when dealing with spirit. 

History gives us examples of both the right way and the wrong way to receive messages. We want to receive beneficent guidance, as Socrates did from his daemon. We don't want to receive orders to kill people, as David Berkowitz claimed he was getting from a demon speaking through his neighbor's dog. 

In our culture we have become familiar with telephone scams. If you think you're receiving a message from a departed loved one, be very discerning in the questions you ask. Is the message something this person would have said to you in the flesh? Is the attitude familiar, as well? If not, this disembodied entity may be a fraud - the psychic equivalent of a phone scammer who claims to be your granddaughter and begs you to wire her money because she's in a Mexican prison!  

Don't let the "alternate reality" angle convince you that your relative may have changed; those who loved you then still love you now. It's only their circumstances that are different - not the way they express themselves, nor how they feel about you.

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A student of esoteric traditions since the age of 16, Ted Czukor (Theo the Green) taught Yoga for 37 years until retiring in 2013. For 26 years he was adjunct faculty for the Maricopa, AZ Community Colleges, teaching Gentle Yoga and Meditation & Wellness. Raised in the Methodist Church but drawn to Rosicrucianism, Hinduism and Buddhist philosophy, he is a devotee of the Goddess in all Her forms. Ted has been a Shakespearean actor, a Masonic ritualist and an Interfaith wedding officiant. He is the author of several books, none of which made any money and two of which are available as .pdf files. He lives with his wife Ravyn-Morgayne in Sun City, Arizona. Their shared dream is to someday relocate to Glastonbury, England.


  • Jamie
    Jamie Friday, 01 November 2013


    I hope everything went OK for you.

    You're performing a public service by warning people about the cacodaemons. They really do exist.

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