This blog post is in answer to a great three part question about crystals with more than one prominent type. Specifically, 1. is there generally one type (configuration) through which a crystal prefers to connect? 2. How would it be best to identify this? and 3. Is it even necessary to identify the crystal type to connect? The question reads in full:
I have a lovely crystal which recently chose me that I am trying to identify its type so I know best how to relate and connect with it. It appears to be both an old soul and a several different types in one; it also contains cookeite. My question is two actually; when a crystal is a combination of multiple configurations/ types, is there generally one which it prefers to connect through and how would it be best to identify this? Second, is it necessary to even identify the configuration to best connect with a crystal? Thanks in advance to you and Venus for any assistance and guidance!
A word from Venus (Crystal Guide) describing the metaphysical properties of quartz crystals.
While the crystal configurations and shapes which have been named by many are a good way to generally categorize these configurations, it can be misleading, because people may think that if a shape or structure implies this or that (via the name or description), that magically, simply by obtaining one of these specially named crystals, the desired outcome will be achieved.
Last blog post we discussed Feminine quartz crystals, today we’re going to revisit Masculine quartz crystals. As with our discussion of Feminine crystals, we’re talking about what a “Masculine” quartz crystal lookslike. In this first part, we’re discussing whether a crystal is called Masculine by features only, not by energy.
In the past I have called this an “anatomy lesson” because basically we’ll be discussing whether a crystal presents physically what has been described as Masculine. (In the next post we’ll revisit Yin/Yang quartz crystals.)
Today we're going to revisit Feminine quartz crystals, with the distinction that we're talking about what a "Feminine" quartz crystal looks like. We're discussing whether a crystal is called Feminine by features only, not by energy.
In the past I have called this an "anatomy lesson" because basically we'll be discussing whether a crystal presents physically what has been described as Feminine. The next two posts we'll revisit Masculine and Yin/Yang quartz crystals. I have described this is whether a crystal is described as masculine (e.g. has "man parts"), is described physically as feminine (e.g. has "lady parts") or presents physically as Yin/Yang (e.g. as a mix of both).
There are a LOT of different crystal configurations from which to choose. I'm not talking about different KINDS of crystals (such as amethyst, rose quartz, etc) I'm talking about only the different TYPES of clear quartz crystal here. Specifically, the different shapes in which it presents, each with slightly different metaphysical and healing energetic properties. Shapes, such as Barnacle, Bridge, Double Terminated, Extra-Terrestrial, Faden and Growth Interference, just to name a few. I've written a series of 4 books with drawings of each type, and in those, I covered forty-six different types. FORTY SIX! And those are just the most commonly found... there are actually a few more!
With that in mind, let’s talk again about how these metaphysical characteristics work. I've written about this before, but it bears repeating in case you missed the earlier blog posts.
Hello again! This is the last of a two part 'series' on a crystal mural we recently hung in our home. If you missed part one (the hanging process) you can read that here.
In this post I want to talk a bit about the wallpaper pattern I chose and why I chose it.
Erin Lale
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Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
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Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
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I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...