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Stress-Busting Essential Oils and How to Use Them

Put simply, essential oils have aromatic, fragrant molecules that can actually pass right through the blood/brain barrier, having a direct effect on the areas of our brain in charge of controlling feelings of stress and anxiety and even panic and depression. 

1.     Breath in deeply: Rub 1-2 drops in cupped palms and take a long, deep breath

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Potions, Prayers and Invocations for a Good Night’s Sleep

Several years ago, I went through a phase where I woke up at 4 am, no matter what time I went to bed. I had just moved after a difficult breakup and was wholly unsettled. My coworkers, who were such kind people that they published the Random Acts of Kindness books, probably noticed as I became more fatigued and bedraggled but said nothing. This went on for many weeks. Finally, I mentioned to my boss I was having  sleep disruptions and she said, “Oh, 4 am; the hour of anxiety.” She had experienced the same which, in her case,  was due to hypervigilence where she could not “shut down” and going over her to-list in her mind, etc  A brilliant Buddhist, she noted her spiritual practice was her path to restored health and deep rest. In this instance, I knew my path could do the same for me. And it has. I pondered the wisdom of my Aunt Edie and the hedge witches of yore and realized I had gotten away from my roots. I was a farm girl yet I was spending zero time outdoors. I started going for daily walks in Golden Gate Park, unpacked my witchy tools, oil and teas and got some herb post growing on the windowsills and stoop of my tiny new apartment dwelling, I  self-soothed with these simple steps. It was not overnight but, soon enough, I was sleeping through the night, awakening refreshed. Sleep itself is healing and these remedies will keep you rested and rosy!

 Respite Rite: A Good Night’s Sleep Herbs

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Your Celestial Essence: 12 Floral Healers For Each Sign Of The Zodiac

Floral waters and flower essentials express emotional benefits differently and each has special healing application, As we can tell from the mass popularity of Bach’s Rescue Remedy, they work wonderfully to abet emotional health, mental outlook and positivity. The specific of these curatives can be pretty direct For example, the flower Impatiens helps those who struggle with impatience. Magical, right?  Below you'll find one flower essence for each of the 12 signs. Read yours and learn what can work for you:

Aries: Impatiens Renewal for  Rams

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The Healing Power of Flowers: Floral Essences Energies

Many of our favorite flowers have distinctive healing energies; which can be captured in water. A key difference is that flower essences minister to the emotional body while essential oils treat the physical body. However, vials of a multitude of these are available at grocers, pharmacies and new age shops. Bach Flower Remedies are doubtless the most popular and are seemingly everywhere with a recommended dosage of 3 to 4 drops taken via the bottle dropper under the tongue 2 to 4 times a day. I suggest not using more than 2 different floral waters at any given time for full effect. Flower essences are typically ingested directly via the mouth or by way of adding a few drops to a glass of water. They can also be dropped onto linens such as your pillow case, a sachet, or into your bath. They can be applied directly to the pulse points such as temples and wrists. These floral essences are also different from essential oils in that they do not carry the scent of the flower. It takes a single flower to make an essence whereas essential oils rely on a significant amount of the plant. Here are some essences that are good for emotions:

Passion Flower connects us to our higher self and connects to the divine

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Witch Craft: Sun Infused-Flower Essences

For centuries, flower essences have been used to heal many infirmities (see list below).  While the health food shop versions are handy, they are also very spendy. You can make your own flower essences at home. Start by making a mother tincture– the most concentrated form of the essence – which can then be used to make stock bottles. The stock bottles are used to make dosage bottles for the most diluted form of the essence, which is the one you actually take.

What you will need to make a sun-infused essence:

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The Magical Spectrum: Candle Colors in Your Spellwork

Candle magic is a mainstay of witchcraft. I burn candles every night and take them with me when traveling, too. For their magic to work, simply apply the basic percepts of color magic: have a clear intention of your desired outcome, and choose the appropriate color candle from the following list. On the corresponding day begin burning the candle on your altar. Repeat this ritual for seven consecutive days with the same color candle. If you’re a traveling, choose a spot to consecrate as an altar using the prosperity altar incantation at the beginning of this chapter.


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