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Full Moon: Calling Forth Your Personal Power

When the moon is full, that means Mother Moon is at her zenith, parading in all her glory across the night sky. Rituals that transform and call forth your personal power and psychic awareness are called for at this time. The full moon is powerful and promotes strength and supremacy. Her luminous glow surrounds us, and now is the time to clean our ritual tools, scrying mirrors, tarot decks and crystals. Take time to honor the moon goddess during this phase. Wiccans have a tradition of “drawing down the moon,” which is a way of invoking the moon’s power into your body, thereby embodying the lunar goddess.

Although many cultures around the world have had ceremonies to celebrate the full moon, only a few are still practiced today. The Balinese have received wide interest for their full moon ritual, and Bali has become a popular destination for people on a pilgrimage who want to be in touch with the sacred. A growing number of nature-worshiping people gather in magical circles to do the same in North America and Europe.

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The Holly Moon

One of the loveliest things about a full moon is that you can reap the benefits of it for three days leading up to it, and three days after. Especially this summer, when so many of us are booked solid socially, it can be a relief to know that you can still practice magick and soak up the moonbeams on more than one night of the week. One of the simplest rituals that I enjoy practicing is to open up a shade and a window where I can see the moon and feel it shining down on me. I close my eyes and bask in the moonglow. If you have some nice bike paths in your neighborhood, fill up the tires, put on your helmet, and turn on the lights for a leisurely full moon bike ride.


This is the time of the season where even if we blissfully ignore it, our bodies sense the shift and harvest about to happen August 1st. (For some fun ideas to celebrate Lammas/Lughnasadh, consider a small bread baking party.) We will start going inward in our minds, even while we are still able to enjoy the often- beautiful weather outdoors. For many traditions, the Holly King is reigning for now, and the dark half of the year is his time. This isn't a reason to be sad, just perhaps more introspective. Take more time out to meditate. Think about what you'd like to manifest yet before this year comes to a close and jot it down in your journal. Or noodle out a spell in your Book of Shadows to help bring your goals to life. This can be a period of planning and preparation. You can also enjoy a Corn Moon celebration later in the month—if you can squeeze it in!

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Hope and Healing Candle Consecration

Recently, I have been wishing and hoping for peace in this world of ours, as have most of us. I have been making, burning, and giving away candles with the word “peace” written with crystals embedded in the soft candle wax.

If possible, perform this spell during a full moon night for the greatest effect. Place your stained-glass peace candle on your altar and light rose incense, which represents love and unity. Light the candle and chant:

I light this candle for hope,
I light this candle for love,
I light this candle for unity,
I light this candle for the good of all the world
That we should live in peace. And so it shall be.
Sit in front of your altar and meditate, eyes closed, for a few minutes while visualizing peace in the world. Let the candle burn completely for full charging. Whenever the world around you feels chaotic, light this candle and meditate on a sense of peace enveloping you. And it will.
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Attraction Action – A Group Rite

Here is a beautifully simple way to attract money to you and your circle. Be sure to pass on some of the good fortune that has shone on you in order to keep the flow of abundance in circulation. This ritual is most effective performed at midnight on a full moon. Ask the participants to bring a green candle with their name scratched into the wax. Find the biggest green candle you can get and light it at the stroke of midnight.

Ask each ritualist to step forward and recite their name, lighting their candle from the large one. Pray aloud:

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Moon Cakes and Ale: Full Moon Festival

Here is a pagan ritual I have performed on weekends, when the full moon shines bright. Over the years, I have added many embellishments, such as astrological or holiday themes. This basic ritual, Moon Cakes and Ale, however, is a timeless and powerful classic.

Gather a group of friends either outdoors under the moon or in a room large enough for dancing, drumming, and singing. Have the guests bring a cake of their choice as well as a cider, mead, beer or juice to share. Place the offerings in the center, on an altar table. Then light a sage leaf and green and brown candles for home and hearth.

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May Full Moon Relaxation Vibe + Kitty Kat Magick

Dear Moon Muser,

In the spirit of keeping it simple, no pressure I'm sending you healing, joyful vibes right now as we all swing into the Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Season and Mercury Retrograde (May 29-June 21) which may slow things down a bit but also encourages us to review old patterns and make some changes that stick.

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The Beauty of Black Cats

Tap Into Your Own Feline Energy Through Black Cat Art

Have you ever marveled at how cats are able to stare at you, unblinking, for extended periods of time? At times they seem to stare at nothing at all yet stay extremely focused in doing so! Other times, they just appear totally Zen in the moment. They are not asleep– but their eyes are closed, a slight smile playing on their furry lips, totally at peace. They sleep, eat, and certainly play when they need to. They are natural born hunters, in touch with their wild sides. The most wild of all domesticated animals, and the most worshipped and revered pets since the times of ancient Egyptians, cats seem to have it all going for them. They know how to communicate to get what they want (sometimes in the form of naughty early morning meowing for their food). They also know how to show affection. Who doesn’t love a friendly head butt combined with loud purring? Let’s face it– cats are cool. Who wouldn’t want to be one?

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