The major sabbat of Lammas Day denotes the high point of the year; all crops are in their peak of fullness, the weather is sunny and warm and all the land is bursting forth with the beauty of life. For centuries, Pagans have known we have the heavens above to thank for this bounty and the gods of nature must always be recognized for their munificence with a gathering of the tribe and a feast, ideally in the great outdoors.Ask attendees to bring harvest offerings for the altar: fresh-picked flowers, apples, pumpkins, gourds, corn, wheat stalks bundles fresh pickings from their garden and food to share in thanksgiving made from the crops: berry pies, watermelon, tomato salads, pickles, green beans, corn pudding, lemon cakes, cucumbers, apple cider and beer brewed from wheat, hops and barley. This celebration of the reapings from the summer season should reflect what you grown with your own hands. Fill your cauldron or a big beautiful colored glass bowl half-full with freshly-drawn water. Get packets of tiny votive candles for floating in the water. At the feast table, make sure to have a place-setting for the godly guest Lugh who watched over the plantings to ensure this bounty. Place loaves of fresh-baked Lammas bread by his plate.
The stunning, apple-green form of chalcedony gets the bright color from the nickel it contains.Put this in your money corner for abundance and prosperity. The color and clarity give chrysoprase its power to impart good cheer, good luck, and increased perception. Healthwise, it aids youreyes and opens yourthird eye, powering your perception and awakening dormant talents. Chrysoprase is like a battery; it stores energy. It dispels anxiety by reducing fear and also opening the mind to new patterns. Chrysoprase can be a source of calm for you during times of uncomfortable change. This is a crystal to keep in a dream bag beneath your pillow to help with relaxation, promote restful sleep, and gain new insights. Beneficial for the heart chakra, this money-colored stone will create an atmosphere of encouragement, a wonderful gift to yourself.Keep a dream journal on your nightstand and write your ideas for business and acquiring wealth as they come to you.
Gems and crystals are not only lovely to look upon, they are are powerful tools that can pave the way for a better life for you. Gems, stones, and crystals have long been used as amulets, symbols, charms, and jewelry in magic. These magical stones can really enrich your life in so many ways. how to charge the stones you already own with supernatural power.
I haven’t used store-bought cleansers since the year 2004 when a health challenge awakened me to the importance of ridding my environment of any toxins or potentially harmful chemicals. I think it is a very good idea for all of us to consider as our health is precious. I know this made a difference for me and my loved ones. And the smell of a home freshly cleaned with lemons and scentful natural oils feels wonderful.
It is now time to make kind and generous energies feel “at home.” Make a wind chime of “shiny objects” such as old keys, bits of jewelry and other items from your decluttering. For example, I have a lot of “mateless” earrings which I love even though they are only one of a pair.These chimes abet gathering up the good energy of those unseen that can help protect you and drive away the not so helpful energy. Take a tree branch or a stick (a small piece of sea-smoothed driftwood is perfect); tie string around the shiny objects and attach to the wood. I go with 7 objects using that sacred lucky number and make sure they are close enough to touch and make the lovely, welcoming sound. Hang the chimes where they can tinkle gently in the breeze and make contact with your guardian angels for you. Hang it in a window in your home or wherever you want to make contact with the spirit world.
Stones placed in strategic places around your home can help accelerate the change you are desiring in your home. Using what I call “crystal feng shui,” you can place a crystal or a geode in the appropriate position of your home to facilitate specific results. For example, amethyst will promote healing and release any negative energy that is clinging. Clusters of jade or yellow “lemon quartz” will activate vibrations of abundance and creativity. If you want to bring more money into your home or office, place a big chunk of citrine on the left side of your desk, and the money will begin to flow! If you have a dark hallway that feels spooky or an area in your home or office in which the energy feels very static or low, place an obsidian ball there, perhaps in a pedestal, to absorb this negative energy. If you want to have your bedroom be a place of bliss and unconditional love, rose quartz will create this all-important atmosphere. Not only will these tips add to the buoyancy and joy of your home, it will also make it more striking and serene.
Here is sa marvelous rite to perform on Midsummer Day and every day. While a bowl is not a tool in and of itself, you can utilize bowls in your spellwork often and anytime you are inspired to do so. Three simple ingredients, a red rose, a pink candle and water can bestow a powerful blessing. The rose signifies beauty, potential, the sunny seasons, love for yourself and others. The candle stands for the element of fire, the yellow flame of the rising sun in the east, harmony, higher intention and the light of the soul. Water represents its own element, flow, the direction of the west, emotions and cleansing. This ritual can be performed alone or with a group in which you pass the bowl around.
Float the rose in a clear bowl of water and light a pink candle beside the bowl. With your left hand, gently stir the water in the bowl and say:
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David Dashifen Kees
I feel it necessary to state, unequivocally, that anti-trans points of view are not an essential part of Paganism. As a trans Pagan myself who helps ...
Meredith Gladwell
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