Plant Magic: Wisdom from the Green World

Whether you live in a city or the countryside, the magic of plants can be found everywhere and sometimes where you least expect it. Be open and explore the magic that surrounds you.

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The Healing and Magical Wizard Solomon’s Seal

The Israelite King Solomon was said to have great wisdom, and to possess a special signet or seal ring that aided him in his magic work. By medieval times, he was regarded as a great wizard. According to herbal lore, he was said to have placed his seal upon this plant when he realized its value. It is still used in herbal medicine for a range of treatments and regarded as a powerhouse. The circular scars on the rootstock, which are said to be the mark of Solomon’s seal, are actually left by the stems that die back after the growing season. During the Middle Ages, the design of the seal ring was regarded as a powerful amulet.


Solomon’s seal is effective in repelling negative energy. Plant it in an area of your property where you feel the need for protection for your home and family. Burn a few dried leaves to consecrate ritual space. The dried root can be burned as incense offering to deities or to bind an oath. Meditating with the root aids in developing inner wisdom.


You can buy Solomon’s seal oil or make your own. Make an infusion of the root by cutting it into small pieces, placing them in a jar, and then pouring in enough olive oil to cover the pieces. Put the lid on the jar and gently swirl the contents. Place it where it will stay at room temperature for four weeks. During this time, if most of the oil gets absorbed, add a little more. Strain the oil into a dark, glass bottle for storage. The oil can be used for magical purposes such as anointing candles and consecrating ritual or divination tools. Medicinally, use it topically for arthritis, sprains, and strains.


Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) is also known as lady’s seals, sealwort, sealroot, and sow’s teats. Each plant has a single, but elegantly arching stem. The flowers grow in little drooping clusters that dangle beneath the stem under the leaves. They are tubular in shape, a creamy or waxy white, and topped with yellowish-green. The genus name Polygonatum is Greek meaning “many jointed,” and refers to the angled joints of the root.


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The author of over a dozen books, Sandra is an explorer of history, myth, and magic. Her writing has been featured in SageWoman, The Magical Times, The Portal, and Circle magazines, Utne Reader and Magical Buffet websites, and various Llewellyn almanacs. Although she is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, she travels a solitary Goddess-centered path through the Druidic woods. She has lived in New York City, Europe, England, and now Maine where she lives in an 1850s farmhouse surrounded by meadows and woods.  


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