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Magic on the Altiplano: Sacsayhuaman, Mystical Lake Titicaca, Uros Islands, Peru

Magic on the Altiplano, Mystical Sacsayhuaman, Lake Titicaca: Peru

 I was in my dining room sorting out bills when the phone rang. “I’m just looking into booking a ticket to Lima, do you want to come, my friend said?” I immediately responded with, “Yes.” Then I called my New York boyfriend and left a message. In three days we were off, and tour guides hired. What a thrill. I had always desired to go to Peru knowing I had a spiritual home there to be discovered, uncovered and analyzed. What would my insights be this time?

Having researched Peru and it’s connection to the Pleiades star system, I knew the significance of Lake Titicaca, Cusco and Machu Pichu. My own correlation to the Pleiades had been strong since I took the Reiki classes, having seen myself walking on another plane of existence among Greek-like columns during the classes and discovered later that I had been transported to the Pleiades when I was surrounded by these columns. The first Reiki class I took happened to coincide with the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987.

The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 was an event that shifted the general vibration of our planet and awakened many people according to author, Jose Arguelles, who organized this world wide event. He presented it as a ‘foretaste’ of December 21st, 2012. He felt it would be a lead-up to a major galactic alignment that would take place in 2012 which ended the Mayan calendar. Jose invited people to gather together to meditate and do ceremonies over several days in August. The Harmonic Convergence was the 16th and 17th of August, at which time a rare planetary alignment was also taking place, and if many people gathered at this time to send thoughts about higher vibrational energies being anchored into the Earth and her people it would create a powerful doorway into the consciousness of the people. It was exciting and revelatory to experience the doorway that opened on the galactic alignment 2012. I was in meditation when the alignment occurred. At this time I saw an opening into our galaxy, to the tenth dimension, and surrounding that opening were faces of many nations and colors as well as galactic beings. I felt not of this world and that I was levitating.  It occurred at precisely 2:48 EST on the 22nd of December, 2012 and lasted for eight minutes.

An Inca myth tells the creation story and light equaling consciousness. For the Inca physical light from the sun had engendering qualities, awakening the light codes buried in the human body. The Inca say that when the children of the sun emerged from the sacred doorways between worlds or dimensions, they stepped into dawn on the summer solstice morning. As they did so they were showered by fertile golden light. Only then did they become Inca, which means “illuminated ones”. The ancient Inca, of which I have recollections, were also the first to grow potatoes, the most complete food on planet Earth. Viraccocha, Incan priest God who appeared to me with news about the potatoes’ healing properties, was instrumental in bringing this food to the Incas in Peru about 10,000 years ago.

We acclimatized in Lima for two days then boarded a plane for Cusco, a city that sits in the sacred valley of the Incas. Just saying the word Cusco conjures up intense and startling feelings. As we flew over the land from TorontoI recalled a past life experience as Inca. It was an important Inca life when I was a prominent and powerful seer and led the people of my area to greater heights and prosperity. The prosperity of the community was potato related. I have had a connection to the potato in this life, having written two books about the potato, the most complete food on planet Earth.

Goosebumps pre-empted unpacking my bags in the bed and breakfast we were staying at as I felt excited to be there and immediately at home. We toured Ollyantaytambo, the sacred valley near Cusco and Sacsayhuaman, a site that no one seems to know what its use was. As I sat in meditation beneath the gigantic stones I felt it was a huge ceremonial ground, created by beings from other stars, the Venusians. The blocks of stone fit together like those of the Great Pyramids in Egypt, perfectly. In my opinion only galactic beings with higher knowledge could create something so perfect. Machu Pichu’s mountainside magnificence could not be missed, and the recollections of an Incan princess in the  astronomer’s house was interesting, but it was on the bus ride down from Machu Pichu, when I met a woman who asked if we had been to Lake Titicaca. When she said that a light bulb went off in my head. When this occurs I know without a doubt that this is something I must do. We all have free will of course, but when I act when the light bulb flashes, I always have an amazing journey, experience, discovery or windfall of some sort. 

My girlfriend was game and so we bought plane tickets for Juliaca, arriving at an altitude of 12,628 feet!  We had acclimatized in the sacred valley and were fit to proceed. I was strongly feeling the Goddess here, a feminine vibration also knowing that Mother Earth, Pachamama, is honored here. I was ready to facilitate transmuting any weighty energy that we would encounter on her sacred body.

From Juliaca we bused to Puno, a city on Lake Titicaca. From which we would be exploring the vast altiplano. The high altitude landscape that looked like moonscape unfolded as we rolled quickly along. It was a harsh highland region with little vegetation and a great deal of brown stone rubble, but wholly loved by vicunas and llamas that grazed on its sparse vegetation.

Our Cusco tour guide had contacts in many areas and Puno was no exception. That evening we had tea with Andres, our new altiplano Inca guide. To my delight, Andres’ grandfather was also shaman and healer. He told us how their ancestors, who had emerged from Lake Titicaca, were Pleiadian and they had built Machu Pichu. I was excited to hear that the ancient Inca records also verified that some of the ancient sites in Peru were built by Venusians.

Our first tour was to the floating islands in Lake Titicaca, the Uros islands. These floating islands are entirely created from totora reed that grows at water’s edge. When the lower portions begin deteriorating they are replaced with reed topically so when one walks on these islands its springy. I immediately fell in love and wanted to stay forever on top of the world here. The people of the Uros eat the reed, and also use it for building houses and boats that resemble Egyptian solar boats. I was in tenth heaven exploring the enormous number of islands.


As I had lost my passport in Cusco a few days earlier and had to stay on longer in Peru than my friend, I had the notion to ask if I could stay on the islands. Permission was granted and the next morning my friend left for the airport to fly back to Cusco and I left by boat for an Uros island. Another amazing consciousness changing adventure had accidentally begun! (To be continued)

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National best-selling author, Advanced Reiki Master, Fire Priestess, Conference Speaker, Metaphysician Master, Agnes Toews-Andrews, has been researching the Goddess, the paranormal and metaphysical at home in Canada and at sacred sites around the world since 1987. It was while working with energy/Reiki that her clairsentient and clairaudient abilities began to awaken. A world traveler, she is the author of 8 non-fiction spiritual books and 1 book of paranormal fiction. At home in the question mark, Agnes has known since the age of 14 while watching a sunset in rural British Columbia that she was to be an 'Activator' of humanity and in 1989 made a commitment to be a Lightworker. Also a co-creative Devic gardner, macrobiotic consultant, she is the proud mother of two amazing kids and grandmother of five even more amazing grand kids. She currently resides in the Selkirk Mountains in the West Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada.  


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