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PaganNewsBeagle Watery Wednesday Community News August 20

Today's Watery Wednesday emphasizes community news from all over our wonderful movement of Pagans, Heathens, Witches, Wiccans, and polytheists. Lots of things moving and shaking today!

On the Norse Mythology blog, we hear from Master Sergeant (MSgt) Matt Walters, who led the campaign to convince the US Air Force to include Ásatrú and Heathenry as options in its religious preference list.

Dianic priestess and author Z Budapest announces her blessing of Brazilian Pagan author Claudiney Prieto.

The East Coast "Between the Worlds" conference announces their list of speakers for next spring's event including Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, Judika Illes, and Diana Paxson.


FaerieConEast welcomes Pagan authors to its "Mythic Track" including Raven&Stephanie Grimassi, Ivo Dominguez, Jr., H Byron Ballard, and Michael Smith aka Gwydion Stormcrow.

Cosette Paneque offers her perspective on Australian Pagan community -- or, more to the point, the lack thereof -- in this post on the Wild Hunt. Note: many of the well-written comments on this post refute her conclusions and offer their own, more sanguine, perspectives on Paganism Down Under.



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