Culture Blogs

My wife and I have made profound changes in our lives through green Paganism and simple, ecological living, which have resulted in unforeseen, yet very positive opportunities for peace, joy, laughter, and success. In fact, these opportunities have been so powerful, that I was stirred to share them with others, and not keep all these amazing discoveries to ourselves. We 'unplugged from the matrix' that is the cause of so much distraction and busyness in our lives and created a magickal Pagan homestead. I will share some of these discoveries of how, as a Pagan, you can simplify your life, while living more in sync with your purpose, nature and open up an incredible world of opportunity and possibility.

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Magick for Travel

A life-changing journey started two days ago for me, and it involves driving over a thousand miles with everything I own (which only half-fills my car) to start my life over. I'll be stopping at several places along the way, turning an emotionally painful one-way trip, into an adventure of self-discovery. Well, doing the best I can, there's no denying the tears and pain.


As part of my preparations for this journey, I've been gearing more of my magickal workings and rituals to ensure a safe journey. I don't want nor expect an uneventful one, since I'm trying to make an adventure of it all, but I do want it to be safe. Here's my process of figuring out what I needed, and how I've gone about filling those needs. As always, your mileage may vary (travel pun!), and some of the characteristics I assign to things may not be what you're used to. Take what works for you, and leave the rest behind. Write me an email or leave some comments letting me know what you think, and how you fare.

Intention and protection

The way I see it, there are three boundaries that need protection/addressing, and a couple of intentional workings that also need doing. The three boundaries are me, my car, and my way, meaning the roads I'll travel, the places I'll visit and at which I'll sleep. Each of these boundaries needs a form of protection. For me, I've chosen a talisman comprised of a chestnut, given to me in the past for safe travels, a moonstone, and the last bit of Comfrey I have. For my car (and all it holds), I've chosen a hand-inked amulet drawn on paper based upon something similar for tall ships I read about a while ago (I'm sorry the title escapes me at the moment). For the final boundary, it's all about intentional workings at the start of every day.

I've constructed the talisman by simply wrapping the Comfrey around the chestnut with twine. This was done with some rhythmic drumming playing in the background to keep my mind on the task at hand, and the purpose of the thing. Remember, for talismans you need three pieces of information: who it's for, what it's for, and for how long. They're activated by the blood of the intended person. I won't go into too much detail here, but I've not set an actual expiration date per se, but rather an event, in other words something must happen for the talisman to finish its work.

The amulet for the car is two-sided, one I've hand drawn based upon descriptions for safe journey of tall ships back when they were the primary mode of long distance travel. I chose a specially prepared ink, and some paper made for me by a dear friend. The other side is also hand drawn, and is based upon my "go to" method for creating them, the A.O. Spare way. Thankfully the paper is pretty heavy, hand-made stuff so there is no bleed through of the designs, but it's also so stiff that I don't want to risk folding it. Instead, I'm going to keep it flat and place it in the vertical storage area in the backs of the front seats.

For that final boundary, I've drafted up just a simple ritual which involves asking my patron deity to keep the roads open, the winds and weather fair, and kind people where ever I go. The first time I do this will be the last time I use the ritual space I created outside my home here. I'm going to miss this place, it has offered up so many lessons, many of which I've written and shared with you already.

(this post was written a couple of days ago, I'm sure I've screwed up my past/future tenses, sorry)

Do you perform travel-specific magick? Share your tips and ideas in the comments!

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Tagged in: magick praxis travel
Peter is an American of British and German ancestry who lives in Missouri with his wife Mary, where he is (re)discovering his connections with nature and the Gods. When he's not tending to their homestead, which feeds his family and provides an expression of gratitude and work in veneration to the Gods, he writes for several blogs, and works as a freelance artist/graphic designer. Having many years of experience in various forms of occult systems, including Asatru, Celtic, and Dragon Hollow Wicca, and Witchcraft, Peter finally found what he had been looking for all his life in a blend of Traditional Witchcraft (the nameless art), Heathenry and personal gnosis/exploration (vision/mystic).


  • Michelle Simkins
    Michelle Simkins Thursday, 22 May 2014

    I hope your trip is not only safe, but a truly healing and comforting experience! I know what it's like to have your whole world change, and how hard and painful it is! May you be surrounded with love and support from all sorts of beings.

  • Peter Beckley
    Peter Beckley Sunday, 25 May 2014

    Thank you, Michelle! So far, so good. I've made it to my geographical destination, and am working now on the healing, and recovery.

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