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Prayers for Imbolc: Beloved Brigid


In preparation for Imbolc, I pored through the Carmichael material in the Carmina Gadelica and adapted some prayers for the season.  Here they are--

Brigid Dark and Bright

In the steep and common path of our calling,

Be it easy or uneasy to our flesh,

Be it dark or bright for us to follow,

May your perfect guidance be upon us.

Brigid of the Forge, be thou a shield to us!

Brigid of the Fold, be thou our shepherd and our healer!

In each secret thought our minds may weave, Brigid of the Loom, give us sweet clarity.

In our grief or pain or sadness,

Brigid of the Well, heal us, strengthen us, stand with your mighty shoulder near to ours.

And in our joys and in our bliss, Brigid of the Hearth, Keeper of the Bread plate, Maker of Beer,

Dance with us as we waken the great round garden of the world.



Bed Blessing Before Sleep

In the name of Brigid,

I stand above my pillow—

Sweetened with lavender and roses,

I stand above my pillow and I bless my head

In the name of Brigid.

I touch my blanket—

Sweetened in the fresh breezes of the morn’s dawning,

I touch my blanket and

I bless my body

In the name of Brigid.

I sit upon my bed—

Sweetened with visions of bliss and good health,

I sit upon my bed and

I bless my sleeping

In the name of Brigid.


As pillow comforts head, as blanket warms body, as bed holds me safe, in Brigid’s loving spirit, I lay me down to sleep.



As We Smoor the Candle

I am smooring the candle

As Brigid would smoor it.

Blessed be the house, blessed be the hearth, blessed be the people all!



Smooring the Fire

Brigid Bright Arrow

To save, to shield, to surround

The hearth, the house, the household,

This eve, this night, oh! This eve, this night, and every night,

Every single night.



Kindling the Fire

I raise the hearth-fire

As Brigid would.

The circle of Bride’s protection

On the fire and on the stones and on the household all.



In Brigid’s Keeping

Each night and each day, I speak the blessing of Brigid.

I am under the shielding of

Good Brigid each day,

I am under the shielding of

Good Brigid each night.

I am under her keeping, early and late, every dark, every light.

Brigid is my companion,

Brigid is my maker of song,

Brigid is my helping-woman,


My guide, my friend.

Last modified on
H. Byron Ballard is a ritualist, teacher, speaker and writer. She has taught at Sacred Space Conference, Pagan Unity Festival, Southeast Her essays are featured in several anthologies, including “Birthed from Scorched Hearts“ (Fulcrum Press), “Christmas Presence“ (Catawba Press), “Women’s Voices in Magic” (Megalithica Books), “Into the Great Below” and “Skalded Apples” (both from Asphodel Press.) Her book Staubs and Ditchwater: an Introduction to Hillfolks Hoodoo (Silver Rings Press) debuted in June 2012. Byron is currently at work on Earth Works: Eight Ceremonies for a Changing Planet. Contact her at,


  • Diotima
    Diotima Wednesday, 29 January 2014

    You should probably just re-write the whole damned C.G. from a goddess centered perspective and be done with it. Yours is a big improvement, and we could use some good liturgy.

  • Christopher Blackwell
    Christopher Blackwell Friday, 31 January 2014

    The Druid author Morgan Daimler already has done that in her book By Land, Sea and Sky.

    I have interviewed her twice in ACTION and the most recent one in my Imbolc issue of ACTION.

  • Byron Ballard
    Byron Ballard Wednesday, 29 January 2014

    Now, that's an my copious free time. :) Thanks, Diotima.

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