Journeys: Thoughts from a Druid Path

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An Equinox Prayer

Posted by on in Paths Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_Basil.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_Basil.jpgEquinox Prayer


Day and night are equal.

The planet is balanced 

Between light and dark.

The Sun unfolds the horizon

At dawn,

Regardless of

Continent or hemisphere.

Sirius and Lyra shine

Flat in the heavens,

Across the vault of the sky.

We call to the Gods who are watching,

And tell them, with love,

That we watch in return.

The Earth, our Mother,

Hold us gently,

As the season turns.


-Jean (Drum) Pagano

Last modified on
I am a long-time pagan and charter member of ADF, Ar nDraoicht Fein, a Druid Fellowship. I am a Senior Priest in as well as the Arch Druid of ADF. I am a Druid of the Third Order, RDNA; Druid Grade, OBOD; and a Second Degree Druid Companion in AODA. I love Druidry!  


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