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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, June 9

Welcome back to Fiery Tuesday. Today we're taking a look at efforts around the world to protect the Earth, be it sacred lands in Hawaii or natural wilderness in Canada. Are we doing enough to protect the natural world? Or could we be doing more? All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

This piece from High Country News takes a look at John Podesta, the chairperson for Hillary Clinton's new 2016 presidential campaign and a long-term environmental advocate with both the Clinton and Obama administrations. Follow the link to learn about his past work, the criticisms he's faced, and how he might continue to shape the future.

When you hear the word "disabled" you might not think of a sexually active person. But the truth is that disabled people have sexual lives too, lives which are often forgotten, dismissed, or glossed over in narratives about their lives. This article discusses the important but neglected piece of disabled people's sexual experiences.

What do Okinawa and Hawaii have in common? According to Williamson Chang and Katherine Muzik, writing for The Asia-Pacific Journal, desecration by the U.S. government is one of them. Read more to learn about the history of both islands and the sacred value they hold for their indigenous peoples.

Who's the world's most persecuted minority? The answer may not be what you think. According to the German news magazine The Spiegel, it's Burma's Rohingya Muslim minority, who have been violently persecuted by both the Burmese government and the country's Buddhist majority for years.

Lastly who's involved in the fight against the controversial Mega Tar Sands pipeline in Canada? Yes! Magazine takes a look at eight different individuals who are standing in the pipeline's way.

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Aryós Héngwis (or the more modest Héngwis for short) is a native of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, born some 5000 years ago, near the village of Dereivka. In his youth he stood out from the other snakes for his love of learning and culture, eventually coming into the service of the local reǵs before moving westward toward Europe. Most recently, Aryós Héngwis left his home to pursue a new life in America, where he has come under the employ of BBI Media as an internet watchdog (or watchsnake, if you will), ever poised to strike the unwary troll.


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