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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, May 19
Once again it's that time of the week: Fiery Tuesday! For today's Pagan News Beagle we've gathered stories from across the web regarding the various political and social issues that have gotten Pagans fired up. Follow the links below to read about animal rights, Memorial Day, environmentalism, and more!
First thing's first: Patheos' John Beckett reflects on Memorial Day, which will be passing next Monday. Regardless of how you feel about war and peace, you might find this article about the holiday's origin and how it's evolved over time to be of interest.
On a decidedly different note this set of stories from Gods & Radicals focuses on the ways in which activists around the world are working to improve the world, from removing harmful dams to protecting endangered species like the California Condor. Read on if you're in the need of something uplifying.
In other news, members of the Tennessee state legislature recently met opposition in their attempt to make the Bible the official book of the state by its attorney general. Giving his legal opinion to the Associated Press, State Attorney General Slatery has stated that an endorsement of the Bible "must presumptively be understood as an endorsement of religion" and therefore a breach of the separation of church and state.
Ever wonder how the next generation of activists look? Yes! Magazine takes a close look at several up and coming activists in the fight to combat climate change, many of whom are in their 20s or even younger. Perhaps there is hope for the future.
Lastly, a new legal breakthrough has made its way into the U.S. court system: chimpanzees, according to the ruling of one New York judge, are entitled to court hearings regarding their captivity. Read this New York Times article on the subject to learn more.
Top image by Justin Ormont
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